UK Documentary looking for 'Extreme' Cycle Commuters

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Hi everyone,

I'm working on a Channel 5 documentary series about 'extreme commuting', we've been looking at people who fly, drive, get a train, and my thoughts have recently turned to the bike! Does anyone on here do a very long / interesting dare I say it ........... Extreme! Bike journey to work everyday? Do you cross the South Downs? Brave endless gales and downpours? Perhaps you cross a mountain to get somewhere regularly? Or do you just cycle a LONG way?

I'd love to hear from you, and the bike a place in our series, probably looking for UK / Western Europe only at this point.

Many thanks,

Nathan Lomax-Cooke
Assistant Producer - STV London


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Calling @Supersuperleeds @gaz @ianrauk Alien8 and others.

My commuting miles seem tiny by comparison of 10-30 miles each way.


extimus uero philosophus
Nathan, please give us absolute assurance that this wont turn into more cyclist-baiting on the telly? Some of us have become a little distrustful of the way the media portray cycling...

Nathan Lomax-Cooke

New Member
Nathan, please give us absolute assurance that this wont turn into more cyclist-baiting on the telly? Some of us have become a little distrustful of the way the media portray cycling...
Certainly no cycle bashing here, just looking at people's journeys to work. I'm a cyclist myself (8 miles through central london everyday, not that impressive I know) but I certainly wouldn't want to condone 'cycle baiting'.



This time of the year with me it would be 2.5 hours of dark dimly lit wet road. Possibly the British equivalent of of Norwegian Slow TV ?
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