Twonks and cleats

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ANT 666

Trying to re member
I'd been riding with cleats for about 10 years before it happened to me, came to a set of lights in a small town centre with about 25 other riders and erk just toppled slowly over, just lay there and laughed for a bit then got up and carried on as the lights went green, still laughing and being laughed at.


Well-Known Member
North Wales
The road crossing the end of my cul-de-sac was being resurfaced a few months back. Normally I don't usually fully clip in until I've crossed it into the road opposite. For some reason I did this time. As the tarmac had beed removed there was a "ramp" to get up into the opposite road, I though I could just pull a little wheelie and easily mount the lip. I was wrong and toppled sideways. Just as two young girls came around the corner! Thankfully there were no camera phones on display as their hands were full with bags of chips. I've not cliiped in fully until I've crossed since.:blush:


Could be worse. My Dad was in advertising, and told me how he and a couple of workmates were sitting at a table at a roadside cafe in Soho frequented by people from his agency, when the peace was shattered by the approach of a thunderous rumble. Looking up the road, one of them suddenly said 'That's Dave isn't it?' - they all looked, and sure enough it was their creative director, on a massive gleaming new Harley Davidson. He pulled up slowly to the kerb and gave them all a triumphant grin, which turned swiftly to a look of panic as he realised he'd somehow got his trouser leg hooked onto some part of the bike. Sure enough, he ended up on his side on the pavement, wriggling like a bug. It took my dad and all his mates to get the thing off him.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
As for mjray, well he cycles everywhere in slow mode some of us prefer different, I would not say he is wrong in his choice but he seems to point out the rest of us are if we are not the same as him.^_^
On a good day, on the road bike, I can give most non-racers a run for their money, but I'm usually riding to go places rather than go fast. Even with the groups I ride with, many are clipped in. I used to clip in years ago but if you don't need the small effectiveness boost or have some reason like a recumbent, there's not much point and the risk of falls makes me surprised so many clip in. I suspect there's some post-decision rationalisation going on.


Kilometre nibbler
It's not that new. In my worst accident, back in the 1980s, my mate heard me fall, turned around and found me unconscious, with both feet still strapped in my toeclips. I wasn't using cleats either, just ordinary clips done up tight. (Neither of us understood what had happened, I think I may have hit a stone or something that knocked the bike out from under me somehow).

Gert Lush

Senior Member
It's not the unclipping that gets me - I struggle to get clipped back in.

Cue waiting at a junction to cross a NSL A road, right foot clipped in, left foot on the floor. I push off and almost get across, but I don't get my left foot in. I end up pedalling across with one foot to keep momentum and manage to avoid certain doom.

Character building stuff.

This happened to me today, expect mine was on a busy roundabout. One I shall never ride across again. Cue me almost getting hit by a car if I hadn't of done a quick evasive manoeuvre. Scariest moment yet. Why I thought I could do it, I don't know..


Legendary Member
Only time it's happened to me was a loose cleat on new shoes, couldn't get my foot out

Ref difficulty clipping in, double sided SPD pedals help a lot


Kilometre nibbler
Only time it's happened to me was a loose cleat on new shoes, couldn't get my foot out

Ref difficulty clipping in, double sided SPD pedals help a lot
Likewise. I've never had a falling off, or near falling off moment. But I have had a "foot locked firmly to the pedal so I had to take my shoe off and leave it there" moment.

As mentioned above, my only "clipless" moment came with toeclips.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Likewise. I've never had a falling off, or near falling off moment. But I have had a "foot locked firmly to the pedal so I had to take my shoe off and leave it there" moment.
I had a "foot locked firmly to the pedal so I should have taken my shoe off and left it there" moment, but I didn't think to do that! :blush::whistle:

I had to scoot the bike up the steep hill which had caused me to stop, and chase the other forum ride participants who were by then way ahead of me - LINK.
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