I can't add much more to what the guys have already said. I wish I hadn't of had a bit of a cold, my prep for the trip had gone well. The planned route for day 1 had to be changed as there had been a landslide a day or two before we arrived. The decision was made to just go back up Alpe d'huez, I definitely wasn't warmed up enough and forgot to strip the arm warmers off before we started going up. A not so hasty stop at the first corner to get organised saw Adam and Bob disappear into the distance, from them it was a lonely climb which gave me time to take it all in. I joined up with some french riders for a while but the dropped them as I made a dash for the finish. The cold I had, while not bad, meant my average HR for the climb was 177, it was slower than I was hoping for but happy I got there. Day two and my mate Andrew was suffering from the day before so we did a similar route to the other 4 without the balcony bit, we all climbed Sarenne which was a stunning climb. I had to keep stopping to wait for Andrew who was really struggling. I gave up all thoughts of times etc.. Day three and my cold was starting to come out so I decided to not ride and instead went for an 8 mile and 1800 ft elevation walk, it was great but it didn't half kill the legs!
It was great to be there with the guys, I just wish I couldn't spent more bike time with them. I felt that I had to stay with the guy I bought along, which in some ways spoilt the trip a bit for me. I really thought he was stronger than he turned out to be.
It was great to be there with the guys, I just wish I couldn't spent more bike time with them. I felt that I had to stay with the guy I bought along, which in some ways spoilt the trip a bit for me. I really thought he was stronger than he turned out to be.