Kilometre nibbler
Chris Rea teaches classes in flower arranging at his local WI. They are always very well attended.
Chris has a new hobby, he first digs a Square hole, then back fills it with the spoil from a round one, then digs another one, but triangular, this time, and so on and so on. Plainly this is silly ,and there is no way of knowing where it's heading.
He got the idea from the old BBC Kiddy show Playschool, with the windows, he met his first big love Jemima on it, but it was unrequited love....
Playschool affected Chris Rea deeply, sometimes for the good and sometimes for the worse.
As a young man, if ever he got lucky and a young lady agreed to go back to his digs he would often spoil his chances when they got to his doorstep by obsessively reciting "Here's a house, here's a door, windows one two three four. Ready to play? What's the day?" and refusing entry to his inamorata if she did not immediately respond with the day of the week.
Mostly they just said "weirdo" and left, leaving Chris alone with nothing for it but to to get Jemima out of the toy box.