Im with you on spaghetti. I like a bolognese, but no matter how hard i try it ends up on my shirt!
Don't ever wear a white,cream or any light coloured shirt when you intend to order spaghetti in a 'eatery' (god i hate that word!)🧐 ! I find it's best to wear dark paisley patterned shirts as they can hide the splatterings!🧐
Me and the former Mrs Accy went to an Italian restaurant on one of our first dates. I asked the waiter if he could ask the chef to break or cut the strands of spaghetti, when i ordered a meal that had the stuff in. He looked at me like i was a peasant! He did however carry out my request and when my meal arrived the spaghetti had been cut into shorter pieces. When he came back to our table he asked if we wanted some more bread. "Yes please" i replied. He arrived with what looked like half a loaf of Warburtons!

I think he was trying to make a point!! 🤔
Needless to say we left without leaving a tip!🧐
Edit...Just remembered. I did leave a tip to kind of impress Mrs Accy,but when she went to powder her nose as we were leaving i nipped back and re-pocketed the tip!
Second edit...I've just remembered that i did leave a tip after all. It was a 2 pence piece, to show how a real peasant should act!