Trivial things that make you annoyed beyond expectations?

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Really pretentious slogans which try to sound motivational and meaningful without achieving either.

There's a sports field on the way from work which has a big sign saying "Football is the future". What on earth is that supposed to mean? A future dystopia where everyone has to kick a football, everywhere, all the time?
God forbid!
Mind you, there was a song...

"It's coming home
It's coming home
It's coming
Football's coming home

Everyone seems to know the score
They've seen it all before
They just know
They're so sure"

That was wrong, hopefully so is your slogan


Puzzle game procrastinator!
There's a sports field on the way from work which has a big sign saying "Football is the future". What on earth is that supposed to mean? A future dystopia where everyone has to kick a football, everywhere, all the time?
I was just looking at the stats which show that the ratio of female to male graduates is increasing all the time. Maybe it is a message to young men that they might as well close their school books, forget about education, and concentrate on improving their skills on the pitch instead...? Big house in Cheshire, here we come! :whistle:

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Again,not annoyed more intrigued. I've just heard a tune on the radio that said 'like a desert needs the rain'. In fact there are quite a few tunes that have those words. My question is,yes i understand that if it rained on a desert it'd be better for the wild life or potential wild life etc,but surely a desert is something that thrives because of a lack of rain. So why would the desert itself welcome rain?🤔 If it rained the desert would cease to exist,so that desert 'needing rain' doesn't sound right.


Firm and Fruity
Again,not annoyed more intrigued. I've just heard a tune on the radio that said 'like a desert needs the rain'. In fact there are quite a few tunes that have those words. My question is,yes i understand that if it rained on a desert it'd be better for the wild life or potential wild life etc,but surely a desert is something that thrives because of a lack of rain. So why would the desert itself welcome rain?🤔 If it rained the desert would cease to exist,so that desert 'needing rain' doesn't sound right.
You have far more important things to worry about than over thinking pop lyrics.

Dag Hammar

Senior Member
Price increases. Grrrrrr.
On any item that I’m considering buying.
24th January I’m looking online at a Velo Wireless cycle computer priced £25.00 at Halfords. Item No 140670.
5th February that same item at Halfords is now £30.00.
A 20% increase.
And before anyone asks, it was not on a special offer when advertised at £25.00.
And yes, I should not have dilly-dallied, I should have recognised that £25 was a good price and bought it then.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
People who say they will do things but never do.
Hi Damien are you interested in reroofing my shed?
Sure I'll come in over the weekend and have a look.

Come the weekend no sign or word from him. Obviously forgotten.
He is nice friendly lad and has done good work for me in the past at reasonable prices but very annoying all the same to have to keep chasing him up.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Yon 'Super Bowl' yank football is on my laptop right now. I just cannot see that small dark brown ball! Why don't they use a white or even better a fluorescent one! Not only that,but the sport itself is shoot!:thumbsdown:


Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
People who eat / drink stuff which they don't yet own, as they go around the supermarket.

I suppose they'll claim that they intend to pay for it at the end, and yet I've not seen anyone follow through with that and scan an empty chocolate wrapper.
I have on the other hand seen a lot of emptied Fruit Shoots and similar just abandoned on random shelves.


Yon 'Super Bowl' yank football is on my laptop right now. I just cannot see that small dark brown ball! Why don't they use a white or even better a fluorescent one! Not only that,but the sport itself is shoot!:thumbsdown:
Why do they even show the NFL? Does anybody in the UK actually watch it, or give two shoots about American football?

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
People who eat / drink stuff which they don't yet own, as they go around the supermarket.
The supermarkets call it 'grazing' when eating or drinking produce before paying for it (if they ever do). When shoppers hide stuff in their trollys or baskets with the intention of not paying for those items it's called 'nesting'. I know this as i did a Tesco shopfloor worker induction course 20 years ago.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Why do they even show the NFL? Does anybody in the UK actually watch it, or give two shoots about American football?
It was quite popular in the 1980's when channel 4 had the rights to show many live games. i knew of blokes who bought all the body armour and them made up their own local teams. One bloke i knew of even went down my local pub after games still wearing his 'yank football' kit,complete with body armour and his helmet under his arm.:rolleyes: Not only that but he insisted on drinking nothing but Budweiser or bourbon and coke.:rolleyes: I wonder if he's still around and if he is does he look back and think what a tool he was.:laugh:

Edit...Some must still play it as i cycled past Blackburn Rugby Club the other year and there was a yank football match taking place.

Another edit....Just remembered The bloke who wore his body armour in the pub also wore a stars and stripes bandana/headscarf:rolleyes:,which when sweaty he'd wring out by hand onto the pub carpet!:stop:

And another edit....He didn't say 'can i have a bottle of Budweiser please',or bourbon and coke please'. No,he'd say 'gimme a Bud' or 'gimme a bourbon and coke'.:rolleyes: If i'd been behind the bar serving him i would've said "Say pretty please,then i'll serve you".:smile:
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Slippery scientist
People who eat / drink stuff which they don't yet own, as they go around the supermarket.

I suppose they'll claim that they intend to pay for it at the end, and yet I've not seen anyone follow through with that and scan an empty chocolate wrapper.
I have on the other hand seen a lot of emptied Fruit Shoots and similar just abandoned on random shelves.
It’s ok though because the supermarkets allow for this kind of thing so it’s really our duty to fulfil their expectations.
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