Trivial things that make you annoyed beyond expectations?

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
We do still however have a bit of a problem with attracting women into STEM subjects though.
I don't know what the situation is now, but I saw an improvement in the 1970s-1980s. I started an electronics degree in 1974 and there were only 5 female students out of a total of about 130. I only lasted the first year... I decided to try again in 1983. That time it was more like 25 female students out of 135. Still not an equal intake, but a big improvement.

Hmm... I just looked up what the situation is now. It looks like things have stagnated since the 1980s - still only about 16% of computer science, engineering and technology graduates in the UK in 2018/19 were female (LINK)!


Firm and Fruity
When I was at Ag college back in the Triassic period.

Being one of the rather few females in attendance, I'd often be asked to go out on a photo shoot for the prospectus.

If you'd taken it at face value, you'd assume that I was studying for about six different courses concurrently.

I did get a short sailing trip out of it though - that was fun.
The old UKAS book gave a male to female ratio for each institution.

Being an 18 year old boy I wasn’t going to any Uni where I had less than a 50/50 ratio, as it would damage my pulling opportunities. And that was half the point of even going.
I remember looking at some agricultural colleges like Wye and immediately ruling them out due to the impossible odds of meeting females!

Oh how shallow I was

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Walking along a narrow,wonky pavement yesterday,i saw a ladder blocking that pavement as a roofer was at the top fixing a roof...obviously. My annoyance is that he was dropping pieces of roofing slate onto the pavement below,without checking that pedestrians were about! I watched him as i approached and he wasn't looking down at all. The street where the idiot was working is very busy traffic wise,so stepping onto the road to pass safely wasn't possible.:thumbsdown:


Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
I can't stand hearing parents calling their young children "mate". You're not their mate, you're their parent. Maybe one day you'll have a matey relationship when they're grown up, but for now, please try to instill some respect for adults and boundaries into your 3 year old before they mug me in 12 years time.

"Josh, Joshie mate, please don't kick that old woman's trolley, come here mate".


Firm and Fruity
Walking along a narrow,wonky pavement yesterday,i saw a ladder blocking that pavement as a roofer was at the top fixing a roof...obviously. My annoyance is that he was dropping pieces of roofing slate onto the pavement below,without checking that pedestrians were about! I watched him as i approached and he wasn't looking down at all. The street where the idiot was working is very busy traffic wise,so stepping onto the road to pass safely wasn't possible.:thumbsdown:
A passing building inspector would have been very unimpressed even if the property had a large front garden.
If the property is directly boarding the pavement then depending on the size of the job a scaffold and crash deck is needed. A minimum would be signage and a cordon.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
A slate on the head is non-trivial :sad:
Well yes,that's true. I don't know how these cowboy builders get away with it. He was just casually tossing these big pieces of slate over his shoulder for them to crash to the ground. I noticed his van parked nearby didn't have a business name on convenient eh! The other week we had one of those builders rubbish chutes going from a building to a skip,with a pavement below. The builders were sliding bricks etc down it while pedestrians were walking underneath it:ohmy:. The pavement was covered in bits of rubble,so i presume those bits had dropped out of the rubble chute onto the non blocked off pavement!:ohmy:

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I can't stand hearing parents calling their young children "mate". You're not their mate, you're their parent. Maybe one day you'll have a matey relationship when they're grown up, but for now, please try to instill some respect for adults and boundaries into your 3 year old before they mug me in 12 years time.

"Josh, Joshie mate, please don't kick that old woman's trolley, come here mate".
I'll always remember that parent when my daughter was at junior school calling his son 'dude' all the time!:dry:

"Say fank you to the teacher dude",i once heard him say.:headshake:


Eggs. Specifically, eggs that resist simple, clean cracking. The ones where the shell starts to disintegrate rather than pull apart, so you end up with a broken yolk, bits of shell in the egg, or, most likely, both. :stop:
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