Trivial things that make you annoyed beyond expectations?

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
The tiny little tab that has to be pulled to open the top of milk containers, made especially annoying if the screw top has weakened, or cut off, the tab.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Hash tag anything!
#bloodyhashtags :laugh:
Celebs on the news giving advice on how to stay upbeat and cope in the lockdown.
"I find being flown in an executive jet to stay in a luxury villa on a private island in the Caribbean does wonders for my mental health - #covidwhatcovid #farktheplebs #buymystupidlyexpensivefootperfume"...
"Drizzle Dora" - great idea!
"Cold Snap Colin"?
"Wendy the Really Windy"?

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Not annoyed,more intrigued. I've often moaned about mind numbing adverts on commercial radio stations. The commercial radio station i've recently been listening to seems to have as much advert time as actual content. Now for some reason when the adverts start (I listen to it online) i have silence instead of those mind numbing adverts. Then the broadcast comes back on as soon as the adverts finish. I don't know what's happened,but i certainly prefer it this way!!
Not annoyed,more intrigued. I've often moaned about mind numbing adverts on commercial radio stations. The commercial radio station i've recently been listening to seems to have as much advert time as actual content. Now for some reason when the adverts start (I listen to it online) i have silence instead of those mind numbing adverts. Then the broadcast comes back on as soon as the adverts finish. I don't know what's happened,but i certainly prefer it this way!!
Have you got an adblocker???

not heard of one that does that but it would explain it
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