Trivial things that make you annoyed beyond expectations?

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Legendary Member
London, UK
Eating couscous with a fork. A lot of it just falls off the fork. Grrr.

Software developers and the managers around them who say "I'm lazy, if I can code this to make it automated, then I will." Errr yeah but coding it requires effort. I think it's just a silly fashionable thing to say these days.


Über Member
SW Leeds
Software developers and the managers around them who say "I'm lazy, if I can code this to make it automated, then I will." Errr yeah but coding it requires effort. I think it's just a silly fashionable thing to say these days.

Fashionable? I've never heard anybody say it outside of developer circles, and then rarely, and I talk to them every day.

Is it worth it? Depends how much time it'll save over how long. There's little point for a one off task unless it's really onerous but if it saves a few mins each time on a regular task it might be worth doing. Another way to view it, even if it takes longer to code, repetitive busywork tasks are boring and coding something to do it is more engaging.


back and brave
The funny thing is, my children much prefer ordering from the machine rather than interacting with real people.

I think society is going that way sadly.

I saw one of those screen order things for the 1st time only last year. I was meeting a group of bikers at a McDo. It was 11am, the place was empty except for the staff and the 4 of us. Anyway, I played by the rules and ordered as required. The assistant brought over my coffee. The process just seemed weird, tech for tech's sake.

I'm sure they make more sense for a bigger order at a busy time. Apparently, you can order in advance with their app too. I think I'm getting old.


back and brave
Is it worth it? Depends how much time it'll save over how long.

Different context, I know, but sometimes I code stuff (home use) because I enjoy doing it and I can. It would probably be quicker just to do the task manually but where's the fun in that. And you never quite know when noddy bits of code will come in useful again.
On cafe ordering:
What I REALLY find weird (and a bit resource-wasteful), but not really "annoying" is ordering from a table, on an app you had to download from "the cloud" many miles away, then sending your traffic back-n-forth - via the cafe wireless, their router, then more servers scattered round the country, and then - IF it all works - the server standing about 6metres away from you gets your order.

... which you could have done by walking over and chatting to the same human being (and addressed any minor ingredient/allergy issues while you're there).

Eating couscous with a fork. A lot of it just falls off the fork. Grrr.

Software developers and the managers around them who say "I'm lazy, if I can code this to make it automated, then I will." Errr yeah but coding it requires effort. I think it's just a silly fashionable thing to say these days.

I used to be one of those - I worked in an IT department for 20 years

I always used to automate anything that I had to do more than a few time - partly to make it easier and partly for safety

Some other teams refused to allow their team members to use my systems or copy them for their own use
In the second half of my time there I was the Technical support for these teams (i.e. technical support for programmers - yes, it was geeky at times!)
I spend a significant amount of time every year fixing problems cause by them cocking up things manually that my old team never got wrong because they used my automated things that I left behind

so it can be a good idea
IF it is done right

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Not annoyed, more totally surprised I'd say! I saw the below in a supermarket's papers and magazine display today, thinking at first that it was one of those pull out free things you get in the middle of usually Sunday newspapers. It was so thin and just looked like it was free to take by anybody who wanted it. On looking at the bar code I saw it's not a 'freebie' at all as it costs a shocking £9.99!! :ohmy: 🧐 Yes, a penny short of a tenner for about 10 pages of total economics mind numbing waffle!!🧐:thumbsdown:

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