Trivial things that make you annoyed beyond expectations?

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Chris S

Legendary Member
People in our area who are throwing away face masks after shopping.They are on the road ,pavements and car parks.
They're probably the same people who throw their condoms on the street after using them.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Door frames that have a bottom bit to keep rain and stuff out! This afternoon i walked into a shop and tripped up over the bottom bit. Luckily i stayed upright.Why don't they make them with a bit of 'give' in them,so that when people catch their foot on them they move forward,preventing a sudden halt in the foot movement which could cause a nasty accident.🤔


Puzzle game procrastinator!
People who put things in online review sections, such as...
Out of the box, it looks lovely.
Great item, just received, thankyou.
Really good quality, purchased last week.

What's the freaking point of that?
Tell us in 6 months, tell us something useful, not empty headed useless comments.
I've had that reaction too. Apparently, they get a pop-up box asking for their opinion so they think that they have to answer there and then. It doesn't occur to them to wait a while and then go back to do it!

I always wait to leave ebay feedback until they remind me, which is usually weeks later. Once or twice I have bought things as spares which won't be used for some time, in which case I explain that and give my opinion on the apparent build/finish quality.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
The hatchbacks or boots of cars with fingerprints in the built up muck/filth,showing the owners know how dirty the car is! Yes i know it's winter and cars get mucky,so some think there's no point in washing their cars,but come on! Try and open/close the things without leaving evidence that you're a dirty devil!🧐
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Colin Grigson

Bass guitarist - Bad News
I always tie my shoe, boot and trainer laces up the same way. Sometimes, when I pull the aglet to undo them, the laces turn into a knot!
This is particularly annoying when I get home after work and it's dark.
The problem will be twisted laces Pete .... our basic training squad Sgt. used to say ‘twisted laces indicate a twisted mind’ ... anything you want to share ^_^

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Damn! I bought a 'Santa' hat for my mutt today,then went and lost it.:sad: It must've dropped out my pocket when i was fiddling for my gloves.🤔 It only cost 2 quid,but he hadn't even worn it. I'll have to go back to the shop i bought it from and get another.😒

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Just damned well look at this!!!🧐

Me and the other bloke who do a bit of gardening and tidying in the little park up the road saw this today!! Apparently,some bozo council worker in his wagon couldn't be bothered to get off his arse and unlock that removable bollard which is there to stop cars being driven in the park,so he just decided to churn up the turf instead!🧐



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