Trivial things that make you annoyed beyond expectations?

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Junior Walker and the Allstars
People who include their first initial as part of their name, but with the second name spelt in full, e.g.;
L. Ron Hubbard
F. Scott Fitzgerald
J. Edgar Hoover

Stop it.
It’s an affectation without any reason.

Despite my three examples, I don’t think the practice is either limited to the U.S.A. or historic, by the way.


Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs
It’s an affectation without any reason.

Fairly common in Scotland, usually for a good reason.

Chris S

Legendary Member
Well obviously, but why adopt the style officially?
It's nothing new, it's the convention for people who use their middle name. Enoch Powell was actually John Powell, he was formally referred to as J. Enoch Powell. If you do a Google search for it you will find papers he published in the 1930s.
People who include their first initial as part of their name, but with the second name spelt in full, e.g.;
L. Ron Hubbard
F. Scott Fitzgerald
J. Edgar Hoover

Stop it.
It’s an affectation without any reason.
No reason?? It gives a lovely cadence to many names. (Not that "CharlieB" isn't lovely. In its own way ... )


Firm and Fruity
There is a radio advert at the moment for the Mini Electric.
It has a young man driving his flat mates around in his new mini to impress them.
The bit that annoys me is that he has spent £28k on a new mini(or probably leased it for £400 a month) whilst still living with flat mates. Get your priorities right, don’t waste money on a new car. By a house.

Once a Wheeler

…always a wheeler
Recipes that don't give the oven temperature in Gas MK., just °C
I try to be as totally metricated as possible, so I would not normally consider a recipe which used Gas Marks and other, to me, obscure units. Even so, it is nice to know what cubits and ells and Prussian Miles are in modern denominations because one may come across a history book or a cookery book that uses them. This could be a key website for you:
…and here's a taster to help with this evening's supper:
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