Trivial things that make you annoyed beyond expectations?

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
The bloke who cleans my windows (my window cleaner if you like) keeps posting notes through my letterbox, telling me how much I owe him. He's just put one through saying I now owe him £20. As soon as he knocks I put my stairs light on to let him know I'm in then get some money, then make my way down my stairs, only to find he's put another note through my door! Why the feck doesn't he give me a minute to get downstairs to pay him?! As s former window cleaner I remember waiting many minutes for customers to answer their doors. Some took ages to answer, then when I asked for the payment they'd then take ages to go and get it. This fellow is knocking, then almost fecking off a few seconds after knocking!! 🧐

Going back to my window cleaning days, I'd ask customers who weren't going to be in to leave the payment in a plastic bag on one of their upstairs windows, out of sight and reach of temptation to others, then take it when I climbed my ladder to clean their windows, but I can't do that with this fellow as he has a no need to climb ladders, water fed pole system.
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The 'back each other up', 'referees union' type thing. I find it horrific that it makes for more farce . It also means the opportunity for corruption has been increased too.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
went to meet a member of another forum after arranging to buy a set of bars , time and place agreed and its a no show.Waited 45 mins and emialed them , they had my number but didnt bother lettign me know they were not turning up


As long as I breathe, I attack.
As mentioned elsewhere i had to clear debts and i had enough left to replace my laptop as the screen although repaired twice still flickers or goes black
How farkin hard is it to have things just the way they were ? can i turn off sign in options ? dont be daft all the instructions on the search tell you to do stuff that is not visible on mine .


Firm and Fruity
I’m watching a one hit wonders show on BBC2.
They just had Don Henley as a one hit wonder! Which maybe he is as a solo artist, but seems a bit harsh in mind his song writing credits with the Eagles.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I've just heard a caller on the radio say "I was a former police officer". No, you are a former police officer, not 'you were a former police officer'. Unless you were a former police officer, then you went back into the police, therefore making you a former, former police officer. Which is highly unlikely seeing as he said he was 63 years old and as far as I know, police officers have to retire when they reach 50 years old.
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