Trivial things that make you annoyed beyond expectations?

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Young people in general have no concept either of the amount of space they take up, or the space other people need.
Yes - the students that I encountered earlier seemed perfectly nice but just completely wrapped up in their own conversations and unaware of the simple concept that they could not board the train through my body!

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
I don't like how they updated the Lord's Prayer. When I was at school I was taught it as
"Our Father, which art in heaven, blah-di-blah-di-blah" Go to church now and it is sometimes "Our Father in heaven..." Alright, that's updated to modern English. However often it is "Our Father, who art in heaven" and several other grammatical changes. I thought I had misremembered it, but no, someone had taken it upon themselves to correct what they no doubt considered the grammatical errors. What is the point of just partly modernizing it?
I've just heard some 'football pundit' on the radio say "He's not gotten away wiv it". Mmm, how about He's not got away with it, instead. He also keep saying "free" instead of three.:rolleyes:

You said he was a "football pundit".

What did you expect, grammar?


Legendary Member

Not in general, but just every once in a while I get a batch that won't stick to the knife blade. It just keeps slipping off, like trying to pick up ice cubes with a knife, and it makes it nigh on impossible to spread the stuff. I think it's the water separating out of emulsion and acting as a lubricant, but why only one or two tubs in the last couple of years or more I don't know.
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