Leg End Member
Shop in the town centre had their Verisure alarm pinched the week after it was installed.I might have mentioned this before
It does REALLY annoy me
but the adverts on on weekday mornings that are clearly directed at retired people
AND are designed to persuade the ones that are more vulnerable
so - for example - life insurance that includes phrases like "for the family"
implying that if you don;t have their product then you are letting down your little children and hence don't care about them
and the 'lifetime mortgage' products
which are a great thing for some people
but I can see then being the next PIP things in a few years when people start to realise that the have nothing left to leave their children who were expecting to inherit a house ( or a part of one)
We know someone who has taken one of these out - her son was expecting to inherit the house
he got £5000 - and his Mum's boyfriend bought a new BMW (OK probably used - but I doubt it was a cheap one!!!)
AND - my current worst - Verisure Alarms
Pure scare factor advertising!!
one woman said she couldn't relax on holiday without it
The signs were the first to disappear.