Trivial things that make you annoyed beyond expectations?

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I've just wheeled the black bin (non recyclable waste) out for emptying in the morning. Those below me don't bother to wheel their bins out,expecting the bin men to come and do it for them. This annoys me immensely!:headshake:


Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
Leafy Surrey
There's probably a pair of spd-crocs merely a Google search away

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
At the local swimming baths last night I got annoyed...again! It's women only till 7.30 then it becomes adults only. At 7.30 about 10 women who'd had the discriminatory option of using the pool from 6.30 till 7.30 got into the swimming pool. According to the in supportive of my opinion lifeguard,they'd been in the sauna during the women only swimming hour. I noticed that during that women only hour the pool was quiet,yet us men weren't allowed in due to gender discrimination. I'm not happy that firstly they (the local council authority) have this discrimination against men and secondly i'm pissed off because these women who had the opportunity of the pool to themselves didn't take up the offer. Instead they decided to use it when us men were allowed in,taking up most lanes in the process! :thumbsdown:
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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Oh my, the sound they make :cursing:
I'd add to that the need some people seem to have that as soon as the sun appears for 5 minutes they have to put their manky feet on display!!

Middle aged and older men down my local pub who wear a summer combination of 'cargo shorts' and sandals makes me cringe! Most people have flesh that just shouldn't be on public display.:thumbsdown:

LCpl Boiled Egg

Three word soundbite
I'd be lost without cargo shorts and trousers. I have to carry so much stuff around it means I can, now and again, not have to carry a bag with me when I leave the house. You people that can pick up your keys, wallet and phone and duck out don't know how lucky you are...
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