Trivial things that make you annoyed beyond expectations?

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Firm and Fruity
Tell that to my neighbour's son who has taken to smoking out of his bedroom window and throwing the fag ends into my garden (though the ones that fall short land on his garage roof).
I’ve seen many fires caused by poorly discarded cigarettes. Especially in the summertime when everything is tinder dry.


A fish out of water
Gorllewin Cymru
People who refer to the ground as "the floor". Where do they live, in caves.


Leg End Member
And if they go to the USA, the first floor is ground floor, that must really confuse them, or not.
Can be as bad the other way round.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
There I was at the local baths/swimming pool tonight attempting to do my 100 lengths in the allocated 1 hour 30 mins. This 'swimming teacher' decided to teach her pupil to swim by doing widths. I had one of the lanes next to the side of the pool. This teacher kept stopping in my lane to talk to her pupil. How damned annoying is that I ask?! :thumbsdown:
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Local village fb groups with the inevitable gobshite complaining about something or other then when challenged about it changes tack half way through. Believe in what you say or keep shtum....Driving standards, Rochdale seems to have had an influx or bred wannabe racing drivers and dirtbike twats. A few deaths of young lads haven't stopped them, they've become legends. Despite being found pissed and full of coke more often than's a waste. Rant over
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