Trivial things that make you annoyed beyond expectations?

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Other people's spreadsheets.

Some people use weird ways of putting lookups and simple summations together, plus I really hate when people format text (in any type of file) by using spaces and tabs rather than using the various alignment tools. You find you can't sum a spreadsheet apparently full of numbers because there are spaces in the cell, rendering them as text cells.

I have worked in IT most of my life and people have often come to me to 'fix their spreadsheet'

there should be a special place in Hell reserved for people who put spaces in numbers of a spreadsheet
same thing for people who have a column of numbers with some entries saying "None" or N/A or something - then moan Excel isn;t working when it won;t add the column up

and - for that matter - people who change the background colour to the same colour as some of teh text - then tell me "Excel isn;t working' and had lost their text


I say trivial and annoyed beyond expectations, not either really but confounded by some peopled actions...
Friend of my wife's, a bit scatterbrained, has got it in her head she wants a new fitbit.
So she went to the shop to get one on contract :eek:? This is because they never have any money. I wonder why ?
It was declined because she already has 2x Ipads and mobile on contract.
So she has gone and sold her old Fitbit and the 2x Ipads in one of those pawn type / exchange shops...where inevitably you dont get real value, ie lose more than you would if you sold it privately.
And so she has raised her £120 for the Fitbit.

And we wonder why institutions and businesses get rich on debt.
Brainless :wacko: (and this kind of thing happens all the time in their lives according to my wife)


Legendary Member
Sports commentators constantly apologising for any bad language us viewers may have heard. It's not too often heard and even if it is we don't give a toss if we do hear it, for f**** sake.

Chief Broom

Lack of staff in the small supermarkets...
I was in my local Co-op yesterday and the person on the till dissapeared over to the kiosk to get a guy some fags or something and didnt come back! All my shopping was on the conveyer and me left standing there,, ,eventually the woman at the kiosk shouted " why dont you come over here" so i shouted vey loudly back..."why dont YOU come over here" :rolleyes: Which she did and apologised...i apologised for shouting but damn could do without this hassle! :rolleyes:
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Firm and Fruity
The post code lottery advert with the lady winner saying “I never expected this in a million years”

Well what did she expect when she bought the ticket?
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