Trivial things that make you annoyed beyond expectations?

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Gravitationally challenged member
Not always trivial; organisations which send software live without adequate testing.
Yesterday it was Shell Energy's broadband, where the transfer of email portal from Postoffice didn't work.
Today it was NS&I premium bond prize checker. "Enter a holder's number".
Didn't accept any input, scrolled down to "Who won in February" instead.
This was on a Windows 10 laptop, hardly an exotic platform!
Worked OK on an Android tablet, and no, I haven't bloody well won anything! :cursing:
Yes that happens all the time to me as well. But I also lose the lids. They get knocked off/broken/used for something else and then end up in the same dimension to which the straws went
I use a strip of sellotape to secure the straw. Seems more reliable.
I use a strip of sellotape to secure the straw. Seems more reliable.
Losing my sellotape. That makes me annoyed.

But sherioushly, red straws on cans ...

I just leave the straw in. The lids start to clutter up the garage a bit, but they're handy for storage of small ping-feckits, or cleaning small things with the WD40 in. Or if things get reeeeeally bad you can throw them away (I've heard).

Sometimes the straws get knocked out. That's annoying.
But if you have a dozen similar cans, you can just move one over from a spare.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
My photo files on the Macbook seem to have a life of their own. I go through and delete duplicates which seem to appear at random but when I go back again they are still duplicating somehow. They do not want to be alone and must have a twin but I only need one copy of each not several.:sad:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
People you meet who don‘t say hello back in response to you saying hello. For instance cyclists you pass going opposite way in a quiet lane.
Down some forestry tracks I used regularly most responded but a surprisingly large number seemed to be terrified at being addressed by a stranger. Townies.
Walking with my wife on a field edge track near Aberdeen a couple in front were consulting a map. As we approached they folded the map and walked on about 10 paces in front of us as if we just did not exist. Weird.


Early Retirement Planning
Worse still with a trike.
...and as for trying to drive my car down them :tongue:

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Down some forestry tracks I used regularly most responded but a surprisingly large number seemed to be terrified at being addressed by a stranger. Townies.
Walking with my wife on a field edge track near Aberdeen a couple in front were consulting a map. As we approached they folded the map and walked on about 10 paces in front of us as if we just did not exist. Weird.

‘Tis strange, is it not. Some might just nod their head, but those who completely blank you is weird.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Weirdest one I had was riding past a bench on which was a female cyclist next to her bike
I said "Morning" as I rode past - she glared at me and loudly said "NO!"

I assume she was having a bad day or something - but it was rather weird
I used my motorhome sometimes for business purposes and did get a bit fed up being asked "Enjoying your holiday?". Annoyed is putting it too strongly but it was irritating tho' I did bite my tongue and was not too rude to them.:angel:


Legendary Member
NE England
I frequent several Model Railway fora. One has introduced an automated 'no swearing, auto correcting policy.'

So Cock O' the North is rendered and male chicken (altered by forum) O' the North. :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:


South Wales
I frequent several Model Railway fora. One has introduced an automated 'no swearing, auto correcting policy.'

So Cock O' the North is rendered and male chicken (altered by forum) O' the North. :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
This forum has some such auto-mods as well. One particular oft-used word is changed to shoot for instance.


I frequent several Model Railway fora. One has introduced an automated 'no swearing, auto correcting policy.'

So Cock O' the North is rendered and male chicken (altered by forum) O' the North. :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
Someone hereabouts re Barry Cryer mentioned his entry in the quiz to make a new song by changing one letter: My Grandfather's Cock
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