Jesus, what a depressingly curmudgeonly view some have.
I've never experienced these pushy parents, aggressive kids, cash beggars or similar. For the last decade in this house I've only had kids enjoying dressing up a bit and looking for a few sweets. A lit lantern attracts the bell ringers, and a darkened house is respected as not participating. Someone made the point earlier that if there's egging and aggressive parents, maybe Halloween isn't the problem, maybe it's your community.
When I can't be arsed I've been known to leave a bowl of sweets on the doorstep with a lantern to show we're "sort of" participating. No need to even answer or get off the sofa.
Let the kids have some fun for goodness sakes. It's a shitty enough world for them as it is, try to contribute to their lives positively. You might actually smile more yourself.