Treated For The Wrong Condition. Possibly!

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Leg End Member
In hospital once, all male ward, when a trainee nurse collapsed. The Sister ordered her placed onto the first empty bed she saw, with the instruction given to other nurses to get her seen to at A&E, when she could be moved(partly due to a shortage of nurses, partly because she was sore). Any questions, send the person to her.

She got a call a short while later about her mother. Know this because of what her staff were telling her. "Get gone, we'll manage" basically. Left only when satisfied that the trainee was OK and her staff could cope.

She came back to a ward where she was now a nurse down. She'd been ordered to a staff area by a doctor. She got the doctor to come down and explain to her face why her order had been over-ruled and demanded an apology, which she got. And a round of applause from the patients on the ward, myself included.

She'd put her nursing staff second to the patients and her own troubles. Then went onto complete a second shift. I think that opinions rose amongst the trainee nurses that day about her. She was supposed to be a stickler for the rules as well.

The "what ifs" I'm working with relate to events of this time last year, and if I'd gone ahead with what was planned only to find out later that it might have been unneeded. Not what may be.


Leg End Member
Not the best of starts. Letter to local surgery confirms something I'm not taking isn't having the desired effect.
Also the suggestion made that I video a fit so that they can see what happens in one! No mention of how I'm to do this though.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Not the best of starts. Letter to local surgery confirms something I'm not taking isn't having the desired effect.
Also the suggestion made that I video a fit so that they can see what happens in one! No mention of how I'm to do this though.

Perhaps they think you should spend weeks or months sitting in front of a video camera waiting for the fit to happen?

YIKES ... I have the BBC news on in the background and they just reported the death of a young man of injuries received when he was savaged by his dog while having a fit! How horrible.


I am guessing you have a whole bunch of tests and whatnot ahead then, @classic33
I hope you get sorted and a proper diagnosis.

I was treated for over a year for Glandular Fever to no avail. I was then seen by a locum junior doctor who sent me for different tests and I have a thing called CMV instead. The right meds had it cleared up in a fortnight. Nowhere near the same, I know, but I sometimes think that doctors see a set of symptoms and go with the easy diagnosis rather than digging a bit deeper.
Sadly, I used to know a friend who was diagnosed with a benign cyst in her head, which turned out to be a grade 4 neuroblastoma. Tests got muddled up. Took them 6 months to realise the mistake :ohmy: They operated PDQ and removed the tumour, nuked her (as she put it) but she died 2 years later. I believe her husband is suing for the misdiagosis.
Yes, the locums are the ones not managing the purse strings and still capable of correct thought.

After 50 years of breathing related problems I finally spotted the connection, and it was locum who agreed and sent me to a specialist. I think likely my main doctor disagreed because, I got what was most a none examination/inappropriate questioning by the specialst, and a totally wrong diagnosis.

I found enough further answers myself in order to stay alive, and really have no faith to really want to see a doctor ever again. They seem to sell you down the river if someone has already done it prior.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
As others have said, Classic, I hope all comes good for you as soon as possible. This must have affected you life in so many ways.
My wife had been treated for stomach and duodenal ulcers for several years in the 1980's (but no-where near 50!!) but was finally diagnosed with a gut infection that cleared up after a short spell on antibiotics.

Brian Stacks

Active Member
Hope all turns out well for u in the end. It might be worth asking for some compensation which could pay for a very nice new bike and them some. Make u get all your facts in place first!


Good luck with your tests.


Leg End Member
In around ten hours, I go for a sizing and fitting of the latest head wire. Whilst since one was done, things have gotten smaller I'm told, so no 4lb box to carry round on a waist/shoulder strap this time.

Hopefully it'll remain dry, but I doubt it. Half hourly diary to be kept the last time and walking into shops was fun! Alarms going off left, right and center.

Just card readers, automatic doors, door alarms and any mobile devices to avoid. Unless they've managed to work out a way to stop them interfering with what'll be on the head.

I'll see if they'll take any pictures of the fitting as they do it. Might give some a sleepless night!!
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