I'm now no longer a certainty to do this ride.
Di played footie yesterday and has now got a grade 2/3 hamstring injury, with severe bruising. She is now having difficulty simply walking and I might have to take her to the Orthopaedic hospital to get some crutches.
A lot depends on how active/mobile she will be by Saturday. I'm now going to have to do most of those jobs that seem to miraculously get done whilst I'm on the internet, watching tv etc.etc.
Ironically, the match took place in Newtown . . . not far from where the ride starts. They only had 11 players, so Di felt obliged to stay on the pitch (DOH!); they had their first defeat of the season, so all in all, she had a bad day.
Hopefully though, she'll recover enough to let me do the ride . . .fingers crossed.