I wasn’t sure whether to put this in the '
SUV Owners Club' thread, or in this one
Given that it has a ‘5th Wheel’, here seems logical (or the '
Classic Trucks & Wagons' thread?!), it'd certainly look interesting with a 5th wheel caravan, if not as practical as the adapted 110 pick-ups, & Crew-Cabs
This was Land-Rovers own vehicle, unlike some, it seems that it was a 6x4, with a drive-less trailing axle (6x6 was offered by some approved conversion companies, like Sandringham, with the Hotspur
(Carmichael produced a 6x4 Range Rover, with 6x6 on request)
I've seen one in the past, I doubt it was this one, as it was in the mid 2000s
Note also the air-brakes, denoting a towing capacity of over 3.5 tons
It would be interesting as a 6x6, & those Avon Tred-Lite tyres would give the Turbo-Diesel of the day a bit of a workout, normally it's a very specialised tyre, seen in such applications as the Argo-Cat
(the Tdi didn't come to the market until 1990)
There's a substantial off-set too, to help preserve some steering lock
The removable platform too, is something I've
seen elsewhere
It features in James Taylors heritage/specials monthly feature, in this issue of
EDIT @ 09:25
I've been over the demonstration bridge a few times, these are scanned prints, from The Great Yorkshire Show
('survivors' from a 5th year school trip, looking at the registration)
Nene Overland used to sell (they may still do?) 5th wheel campers, & do the necessary conversions