Toys of your youth

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My mate had an action man who'd lost an arm in a parachute accident. True, not a joke, as the paratrooper outfit came with a parachute, and you chucked him in the air and he'd float down, but the parachute didn't
open properly if at all and his arm smashed off on landing
I lost count of the number of times I chucked mine out of the bedroom window and then ran downstairs and out into the street, I don't ever remember seeing him float down gracefully.


Legendary Member
I remember getting a Super Flight Deck one Christmas and thought it the best thing ever.

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Never played with one but I remember the advert. looked quite good


I had an action man with a helicopter and a tank, then one day my dad came home with two more and a load of uniforms plus a space capsule and motorbike and sidecar. He knew someone who's kids had outgrown them and I was the lucky recipient.

I also had a couple of Hornby train sets, a mixed freight steam, and a HST 125, a strange combination as they went round the track together. 😄

And still a favourite now, plastic model kits, I used to love the Matchbox AFVs that came with a little diorama base, we used to get one from the shop near my Nana's everytime we stopped there, they cost about 80p if I remember rightly.
Joey Shabadoo

Joey Shabadoo

My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
I remember only playing it after Dad had made sure it was working correctly. This seem to be a recurring theme almost every Christmas, I would get a new toy and Dad would have to test it first. ^_^
One Christmas I got this -

It was about 2ft wide, quite big. Petrol engine and flew in circles controlled by a line like a kite. Well, I think so. I wasn't allowed to play with it on Christmas Day but on Boxing Day I went out to the park with my dad and uncle and they decided to check it was working. They got the engine going and got it moving but couldn't get it to take off so they had the genius idea of throwing it. Of course, it crashed and smashed up into a dozen pieces. I made the mistake of running and picking up the engine - ouch. Never did get to play with it :sad:
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