Obviously an Aubergine
It’s booked, we had to way earlier last year to ensure a cabin, whether or not we actually do it is now down to vaccine and how the dreaded B word pans out , travel insurance is going to play a big part too. We do have a couple of UK based fall back plans. But it’s France we really love cycling in, planning a route home on a day by day basis using old Michelin maps .
But sad to have so many uncertainties.. Some built in.
Others very much less so...

Yes I booked my passage for October in early March.
I remember my son coming into the room while I was hovering over the 'pay and book ticket' button.
I was saying 'Shall I? Shan't I? ' to myself..
And he said - "Go on mum - just do it"
So I did

I might add, he had absolutely no idea what I was dithering over - but it's nice to have unconditionally encouraging people like that around isn't it??
Michelin paper maps are great, for planni g, and navigating..
Until it rains..