Obviously an Aubergine
I will get around to laying the whole lot out around the trusty bike and taking pictures.
For the full effect you have to do an ariel view and have yourself lying down by the bike too

Being able to book places that way mid tour is great isn’t it!
It's ace, especially if you're abroad, and your language skills get exhausted quickly, going round looking for suitable places.
I've booked myself last minute online, into perfectly affordable accom , which turned out on arrival, to be pretty swank.
And been given a thoroughly warm welcome, despite dripping all over their highly polished floors.
I think hospitality, to the sodden cyclist is more instinctive in some countries.
Well I have a touring bike with racks for four panniers.
View attachment 567795
But I mostly just use it like this.
View attachment 567796
I've also a Mountain bike.
View attachment 567797
Sometimes I mix up the bags just to be different.
View attachment 567798
But as I'm over sixth I can't be a Bikepacker as I'm no longer a "Real Rad Dude" what ever they are.
Oh you so can..
Or even dudess
Whether you want to be.
That's another matter

This thread should be renamed
"Strap ons....yes or no for you?"
Suspect we may attract a fair bit of Google search traffic that way
Would sir prefer the rack, or the strap- ons??
Or both...

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