pedaling said:If this is 20 inches and for 5"4 and over, I'm guessing a 19 inches should be good then?
Arch said:That's pretty... Can't help you with the size issue, that's one of my blind spots - I would just say though: (I know you highlighted that one for size, but it reminded me)
A ladies frame is ok, but you don't need it unless you wear a skirt a lot, or you have trouble with your hip to make swinging your leg over difficult*. A ladies frame will be more 'flexible' (IE slightly less efficient).
If you get a bike with brake levers like that, DON'T use the handles that run along the tops of the bars. They are known as 'suicide' levers, and often don't work well, requiring a lot of pull for little braking. If you can, take them off. You can get a modern lever arrangement that fits into the cable run in that position, works much better. (It is handy to have brakes to hand there, for when you are not on the drops (right down) or the hoods (hands resting on the brake lever housings) but those old levers can't really be relied on.)
*I was once in town with my Galaxy (male frame) and an old chap came up as I was unlocking it and said "Is that your bike?" I said yes, and he said, "But how do you get... " and paused embarrassed as he realised he was about to say 'your leg over?'. I swung my leg over the saddle, said "like this!" and rode off. I think he really thought ladies were incapable of that sort of action...
pedaling said:You think it's okay getting a hybrid then? I think touring bikes look better, but maybe that's just me! Hybrid seems a bit like mountain bike made to take luggage from my POV!
montage said:Some of the old "racers" are far more forgiving, due to their geomatry + steel makeup. Some of their positions are aggressive, but some of them have less aggressive positions, making is perfectly possible to make them into touring bikes.
pedaling said:Reviving thread again...
Would this potentially be okay? I don't understand what size 52cm means heightwise? I am 5"3, inside leg roughly 28"...
There are some developments on the who-is-going-with-me-or-not front - one of my friends, who is Dutch, a guy, and has worked in bike shops (triple yay) might be coming with me. In which case I would not only have a great time (since he is as lovely as they get) but not have to worry too much about repairs since he could sort it out...
BUT is he good looking enough?
Not that that would have anything to do with it....... of course..... ok I'm leaving
montage said:the first bike you linked looks goodit is what I meant by "racer" .... aslong as the gears are easy enough then I would be very tempted!
Crackle said:Pedaling that Randoneur is gorgeous, it should fit you too. The first one you linked to is not so great, the Trek is a good bike and the Falcon is OK but not great.
I think the Randoneur will be friction shift i.e. not indexed but that's what I rode for years with no problems. I doubt it would be economical to think about STI's but you could ride that as it is.
Bid on the Trek and Randonneur.