Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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The Couch

Über Member
This Cav/Veelers thing is now out of control. Apparently he's been informed by the organisers that he's no longer welcome, FFS, at a Dutch Crit where he races every year.
While Adam and Vasseur were just talking about this, they once again showed the long version of the slo-mo from the helicopter, and you can clearly see Veelers look over his shoulder and then move onto Cav's line.
Well, if Cav should win today, he'll feel better, probably should have less of a problem to apologize decently (not commenting whether or not I believe he was in error, but clearly Veelers is still asking for a more extensive apology) and everything might still blow over


Well, if Cav should win today, he'll feel better, probably should have less of a problem to apologize decently (not commenting whether or not I believe he was in error, but clearly Veelers is still asking for a more extensive apology) and everything might still blow over

Is he?

I saw this quote today

"Mark Cavendish and I clashed, but don’t forget that this is a sprint and it’s always very chaotic. My recovery is going well, and even though I crashed quite hard I am looking forward to today and will give myself 100 percent to help position Marcel well. I’m ready to throw myself into today’s battle.”

He sounds quite accepting.


Man or Moose!
This Cav/Veelers thing is now out of control. Apparently he's been informed by the organisers that he's no longer welcome, FFS, at a Dutch Crit where he races every year.
While Adam and Vasseur were just talking about this, they once again showed the long version of the slo-mo from the helicopter, and you can clearly see Veelers look over his shoulder and then move onto Cav's line.

When I watched this, some days ago and not that critically, it looked to me like he looked before Cav made any sort of jump, while Cav was directly behind (i.e. before any line was picked), he then looked forward again and started to drift, he should have possibly just kept going straight so is not completely innocent, but I didn't think it looked like he veered in any particular direction with purpose.

I am in the unfortunate incident camp.


Well, if Cav should win today, he'll feel better, probably should have less of a problem to apologize decently (not commenting whether or not I believe he was in error, but clearly Veelers is still asking for a more extensive apology) and everything might still blow over
Well, the Tour judges have said it was Veelers fault, so it's difficult to see what Cav could apologise for, and it might be nice for Cav to get an apology for having a bottle of p-ss thrown over him (presumably by a Dutch or German fan), yesterday.
Cedric Vasseur, commentating on FranceTelevision, has said time and again that Cav did nothing wrong. And it's rare that a Frenchman will side with an Englishman. ^_^

The Couch

Über Member
I am in the unfortunate incident camp.
I tend to agree...
  1. Veelers drifted
  2. Cav seemed to want to go to the left side for the upcoming corner, but made this move to early and wasn't passed Veelers yet (and braced for impact)
...He (Veelers) sounds quite accepting.
I read the follwoing quote today:
"There are 218 kilometers (in the stage today) and in the final there won't be much time to talk. So it will have to be done earlier. And I'll only draw a line through this when I get some excuses. Otherwise, it will still linger."


The Dutchies I work with are up in arms: Cav very definitely in the wrong, according to them! ^_^


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
Greipel down?
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