Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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The Couch

Über Member
I wouldn't be so sure about Valverde, he put up a decent performance in last years Vuelta.

Mind they could all be write offs if Froome is on a good day.
He also put in a decent effort in the Spanish TT.. losing only 2 minutes on Catroviejo in a TT that lasted almost an hour


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
I wouldn't be so sure about Valverde, he put up a decent performance in last years Vuelta.

On the other hand, he had an absolute stinker at the Dauphine last month, as did Contador...

Also, the Vuelta TT had a Cat 3 climb slap bang in the middle of it, with a tricky technical descent, while today's route is mostly pretty flat. My guess is Valverde will lose at least two minutes to Froome.

But nor would I be at all surprised if I was completely wrong on that and he puts in a blinder. ^_^

Mind they could all be write offs if Froome is on a good day.

True dat.

The Couch

Über Member
Mind they could all be write offs if Froome is on a good day.
Wasn't just about everyone already written off on Saturday? ^_^

Only two minutes? He can't afford to lose that to Froome.
Yeah, but even before the Tour everybody knew that most of the top (Spanish) contenders would be facing a small set-back/blow today. I believe most would be "happy" (content) with loosing only about 1m30 (except Evans) vs. Froome, which - looking at the Spanish TT - might even be manageable for Valverde.


Of course Valverde could lose 2 mins to Froome and still be in 2nd on the GC. ^_^

TT times in races outside the GTs have not always been a reliable guide to form for GC contenders in the past, except the specialists of course, seems they only pull one out when they need it.
Mollema and Ten Dam may well move ahead of Valverde today, Quintana, Martin, Contador and Valverde could all go down, as said it just depends on the day. It seems a given that Froome will ride well but I'm not sure there are any given's in this race so far.

Edit: Excepting Sagan


Wasn't just about everyone already written off on Saturday? ^_^

Even more written off then :tongue:


It wouldn't surprise me if Tuft stays on top of the rankings till the Armored Car comes racing through... nice time of him

That is a good time from Tuft! OGE are hoping he'll podium today, so he should be a good reference point. A minute faster than Westra, 2 minutes faster than Stannard.


38 minutes is about what they were predicting for the stage winner, isn't it?

It looks like a good effort for sure. Bauer has reported that the last 15 km is into a fairly strong headwind, so that could mess with a) people's pacing and b) the overall result if that headwind changes over the course of the race.


If it happens it will be good news for cav, then he can use Steegmans as a workhorse a bit earlier to shove all the other trains about a bit, before releasing Renshaw to find gaps that should not exist. I think his chances of a Champs Elysee win are not looking great unless OPQS suddenly sort themselves out, or he can manage to feed off Lotto and Argos trains successfully.
As for the comment about being small, yes that's true, but it helps you get under people and makes them easier to shift!
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