Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way



I don't think the finish is tough enough to separate too many sprinters, so Cav for me.
It is a long stage so I reckon the breakaway will be allowed off the leash a bit more than in Corsica but this stage will have all the sprint teams gunning for a result, what with it being so early in the race and with people fresh from the TTT yesterday.
The main thing against Cav in my opinion is he has not yet been able to mix it at the finishes yet - normally it takes a few near misses before the ball gets rolling for him.

The hills aren't huge, but there are five in quick succession there, and if the peloton are chasing a strong breakaway then it will be tough for the sprinters for sure. It's like 5 Box Hills in a row there.


The Borough
The hills aren't huge, but there are five in quick succession there, and if the peloton are chasing a strong breakaway then it will be tough for the sprinters for sure. It's like 5 Box Hills in a row there.

5 over 60 km - it is a long stage, so actually they are spread out. To me it looks like a couple are bumps rather than hills and maybe the first is slightly harder than Box hill while the others are slightly easier.
I think other considerations, like road width and any potential for windiness might have more of an impact. Cav managed to win stage 13 of the Giro remember.
Orica want to retain yellow which they likely will do by keeping any breakaway in check - I doubt the lead will balloon too much.
Thinking back, the occasions when breakaway leads have got very large (outside the mountains) tend to have been when
1) something odd has happened, like the accidents a couple of years ago that saw Chavanel and Voeckler get yellow - the weather played a part then but I suspect the cote d'azur will be kind today
2) there has been a dominant sprint team that the peloton has wanted to force into doing the work, like when Cav was at HTC - today, Lotto, Cannondale, Argos-Shimano & Orica all have hope of getting a result as well as OPQS

We shall see soon enough!

The Couch

Über Member
Contador (on what's his first Tour de France memories): "My brother and I watching Indurain winning the Tour"

Maybe he should have thought twice before giving that answer (as Indurain was being put in the "mutant" category qua watts outage) :blush:


BIt harsh on Ted King? missing yesterday's time cut by 7' which on a TTT when you get dropped off the back really isn't that bad? I thought they usually gave more latitude on those sorts of things?

The Couch

Über Member
Climb-age is this some technical term I've missed out on smeggers ?

It's easy ... it's the age that you can still climb decently... which means it's different for everyone:

For Sastre it was 34
For A. Schleck it's probably 26
For Cav it was the age when he stepped onto a bicycle


It's shaping up to be quite a dramatic finish, but I'm down to ride in the club 10 tonight so I'm going to have to leave before the end :sad:
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