Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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That bloke with Kelly on Eurosport is really getting on my wick.



The Couch

Über Member
20 seconds is not decisive but it definitely is significant. I didn't say Schleck was a contender :stop:I said he's given time away.

Not commenting on the fact that Schleck is or isn't a contender... but nevertheless I'd say Schleck loosing only 20s in a(ny type of) time trial is almost a success. (Especially the Schleck we've seen the last 2 years)


Not commenting on the fact that Schleck is or isn't a contender... but nevertheless I'd say Schleck loosing only 20s in a(ny type of) time trial is almost a success. (Especially the Schleck we've seen the last 2 years)

Can't really argue with that.

Now what about today? One for the sprinters, or are Goss, Greipel and Degenkolb going to fade on the lumps? Sagan for second? A breakaway that sticks? I'd say almost anything could happen today. Even Cav staying with the pack. :eek:


Without a clever title
Now what about today? One for the sprinters, or are Goss, Greipel and Degenkolb going to fade on the lumps? Sagan for second? A breakaway that sticks? I'd say almost anything could happen today. Even Cav staying with the pack. :eek:

I very much expect a bunch sprint today. The cat 3 comes early, and the lumps at the end are not severe enough to dislodge Cav, Greipel et al.


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
Greipel today for me.

I have a feeling the pace may well be high enough that even the smaller lumps at the end may cause problems for some of the "pure sprinters" like Kittel.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
If it's a toughish finish my money (theoretically!!) is on Degenkolb


The Borough

I don't think the finish is tough enough to separate too many sprinters, so Cav for me.
It is a long stage so I reckon the breakaway will be allowed off the leash a bit more than in Corsica but this stage will have all the sprint teams gunning for a result, what with it being so early in the race and with people fresh from the TTT yesterday.
The main thing against Cav in my opinion is he has not yet been able to mix it at the finishes yet - normally it takes a few near misses before the ball gets rolling for him.


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
The main thing against Cav in my opinion is he has not yet been able to mix it at the finishes yet - normally it takes a few near misses before the ball gets rolling for him.

For me the main thing against Cav is that he's apparently still recovering from a lurgy. If he's not quite 100%, he might not be able to muster that famous kick, and he'll need it to take him past Greipel at the finish line.

I hope I'm wrong though - I have Cav in my fantasy team.

The Couch

Über Member
For me the main thing against Cav is that he's apparently still recovering from a lurgy. If he's not quite 100%, he might not be able to muster that famous kick, and he'll need it to take him past Greipel at the finish line.

I hope I'm wrong though - I have Cav in my fantasy team.

Agree... hope for Cav, but the antibiotics will probably keep him behind Greipel
(BTW so far Kittel has actually looked marginally better uphill than Cav, so if Kittel gets dropped,and Cav isn't recovered, he'll be at his wheel)


The Borough
For me the main thing against Cav is that he's apparently still recovering from a lurgy.

Still recovering ? I need better research then... ;-)
Ok then yes it will be hard but he was certainly in the mix for Saturday when it was worse so I expect him to be there today - kind of depends a bit on how effective his train will be too - if he gets an armchair ride then he can win by wide margins.
I just hope nobody crashes...
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