Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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"Unauthorised refreshments"
- in the first 50 km of stage CHF200 & 50 secs
- in the last 20 km of stage CHF200 and 20 secs per offence
Why is such a fuss being made? This thread went bonkers last night. The race officials have given the correct penalty for a technical infringement - end of.
Spot on. The rule concerns the taking of bottles and food/gels from cars. Whatever is in your pockets is fine. In a lot of cases, the radio tour speaker will broadcast to all team cars when it's about 30km to go, just so they have a chance to get their feeds and bottles in before the 20km point. In the case of mountain top finishes, the commissaires can reduce the distance so that the time without team car support is about the same, so it all works out and is safer - plus it stops any silly things happening with cars. They can still come up to talk if the commissaires let them, but nothing has to pass from car to rider.
But think, a domestique plugging along with 15km to go, running out of gas, the second car gives him a bottle and gel to get to the finish 15 minutes down. No effect on the race. Is that a problem? Not if a commissaire does not see it! I think even if they do there is a fair bit of "so what" covering of eyes, and a lot of common sense applied. Which may surprise some posters, who think they are a heartless load of "blazers" (I never saw a commissaire wearing one).


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
There's a potential 106 points on offer in Friday's stage. Rolland's best/only chance will be to get in an early breakaway and mop up as many of those points as possible.

He got 12pts off the first climb and looks a good bet to get the 25pts for the second climb...

Surely he's too far behind in the points table now though? Must be going for the stage win.


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
Wooow, just realized I had a typo there I meant Rolland instead of Fedrigo... yeah, those letters are so close together on my keyboard :blush::blush:

(Still got a chance with De Clercq though)

Navarro's in the escape too. Though if the gap gets much bigger, the peloton might start worrying about him and Nieve being a threat on GC...

The Couch

Über Member
Navarro's in the escape too. Though if the gap gets much bigger, the peloton might start worrying about him and Nieve being a threat on GC...
Anyway, if I would be Katusha and looking to get Rodriguez on the podium, I would start making a hell of a tempo on the 3rd last climb and have Rodriguez start the attacks on that steep 2nd last climb (so that Contador and/or Quintana could get isolated and dropped on the last climb)

... so the minutes should be getting down rather quickly then


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
Anyway, if I would be Katusha and looking to get Rodriguez on the podium, I would start making a hell of a tempo on the 3rd last climb and have Rodriguez start the attacks on that steep 2nd last climb (so that Contador and/or Quintana could get isolated and dropped on the last climb)

... so the minutes should be getting down rather quickly then

Agreed - Rodriguez is the one GC boy I can see trying something on today.

Contador might if he has the legs, but I don't think he has.


Legendary Member
Bit of a difference though. RP is ages behind CF time wise and has no chance of winning the TDF. CF last year probably could have beaten BW.

Fair point (which I nearly made myself!) but even assuming Porte hadn't lost that time in previous stages and was in a similar position to Froome vs Wiggins last year would that make Froome any less grateful/reliant on the help Porte gave him yesterday? I think not. In fact I think he'd have been (rightfully) rather p****d off if that was the scenario and Porte did to him what he did to Wiggins when he's the stated leader of the team (as Wiggins was last year).


Rural Quebec
"The Madeleine won't be a piece of cake today though..."

rich p

ridiculous old lush
In other news, Tom Veelers having taken over as Lanterne Rouge yesterday has abandoned today. seems a bit of a drastic way to salvage ones self respect!
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