Tour de France 2013 *spoilers*

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My internet went on the blink last night, so I didn't see the presentation, so if someone could provide a link to the FDJ and Cav's national jerseys......

And try and watch the start of tomorrow's stage - they pass by Bonifacio - spent a few days there some years ago - amazing place - the helicopter shots should be be pretty interesting.

from the site...

from the site...

that is a better looking jersey now for sure.


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
My son has a classmate called Dan Martin who, at last night's school sports awards ceremony, received his full colours for cycling. If I were a superstitious kind of chap, I could read something into that.

Sounds like the kid is a decent prospect. Does a sub-30 10 - may not be quite Wiggo levels of prodigiousness but is pretty good for a 15yo. Who knows? Maybe he'll go on to be the new Dan Martin. Or something.
My son has a classmate called Dan Martin who, at last night's school sports awards ceremony, received his full colours for cycling. If I were a superstitious kind of chap, I could read something into that.

Sounds like the kid is a decent prospect. Does a sub-30 10 - may not be quite Wiggo levels of prodigiousness but is pretty good for a 15yo. Who knows? Maybe he'll go on to be the new Dan Martin. Or something.
A 12 year old (a members son) joined us on one of our club confined 10 TT's and he knocked out a 30 minute flat. :eek:

Skinny little bugger maybe got a motor in his rear hub.


nr cambridge
a bike change for the froomedog in the neutralized zone...that's got to be his bad luck out the way early.
right then, it's about to be ON! catch you all later. enjoy it everyone :thumbsup:


My son has a classmate called Dan Martin who, at last night's school sports awards ceremony, received his full colours for cycling. If I were a superstitious kind of chap, I could read something into that.

Sounds like the kid is a decent prospect. Does a sub-30 10 - may not be quite Wiggo levels of prodigiousness but is pretty good for a 15yo. Who knows? Maybe he'll go on to be the new Dan Martin. Or something.

There's a 16 year old in our club who can knock out a long 24 on our fairly lumpy course - on a road bike!
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