Dayvo said:
Well, that rules me out!
But, why not a club/family trip to Majorca or Lanzarote (Club La Santa) as a way to beat the winter
blues (for a week or two).
I'm thinking more of people who regard the iron horse in their garage with trepidation and fear. Not club whippets trying to shave 1/10th off their best 10 mile TT time.....
So far I have:-
· Stay warm! Riding will keep your legs and body warm but your extremities can still get a nasty nip on frosty days. Thick socks and a pair of gloves will do the trick. You might want a hat too for your ears.
· Check your lights. As the evenings draw in it’s easy to get caught out. Take lights with you and make sure the batteries are ok.
· Go carefully. Watch out for slippery piles of leaves and frosty manhole covers.
· Stay dry. Cycling while soaked is no fun, so carry a lightweight waterproof with you just in case.
· As always, make sure you have a pump and either a puncture repair kit or a spare inner tube with you. If you’re not sure how to use them, your local bike shop will be happy to show you.
Doesn't seem very inspired, so all suggestions gratefully received.