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Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire now i've started these pills...maybe i'll just stop?

Don't stop, finish the course or you risk any bugs you have gaining an immunity to antibiotics.


Senior Member
They'll get of the infection, and (probably) the pain.
Normally around the 3rd day you'll notice an improvement.

Yep, stop, they do nothing, the pain goes cos the pulp dies. The bugs are inside the tooth, ab's simply can't get there. Unless you have a raised temperature there is no benefit, more chance of resistance if you keep taking them when not needed.


Senior Member
Really? is that recent?
About 6 or 7 years ago with the " new contract". Dentist gets paid the same for a simple filling, as they would for root canal and a filling, or indeed a dozen fillings and root canals. I left the NHS at this point cos I couldn't see a way to ethically provide high quality care.


Update from me - the pain has lessened considerably during the course of toaday, to a point where I felt a bit of a fraud when I finally got to sit in the dentist's chair at about 5pm. Whether this is natural or due to a my religiously taking ibuprofen and paracetamol I don't know.

My new dentist (incidentally the practice has changed hands in the last few weeks) took an x-ray and then told me I need a root canal filling which wll be done on the NHS and cost me £48. She also tells me that I'll need a crown (£209) but this can be delayed for a few months. I'm currently unemployed and trying to avoid spending - hence the delay at my request. She's prescribed me 5 days worth of anti-biotics (metronidazole - the one that you're really not allowed to drink alcohol with:sad:) and told me that this should keep things under control until I go back on the 14th May - which is apparently the earliest available date unless I'm in considerable pain.

endoman - I note what you're saying about anti-biotics and I'm definitely not arguing with you, but as a good non-argumentative patient I'll do what my dentist has told me to do and see what happens over the next few days.


Have a read of as you may not need to pay at all. And it may be better to get it done now than get employed later and have to pay.

Thanks, but because I'm claiming contribution based JSA rather than income based JSA and because I have a few quid in the bank I have to pay. As I've worked for over 30 years and have some savings I get nothing except this. Although I've just had a 'pay rise' of 5.4%:smile: Which is £3.51 a week:rolleyes:

I'm not moaning, it's just the way it is.


I had all my top ones out and a denture made, all free. Now I need my remaining lower ones taking out (not many left) and a lower denture fitted before August whilst I can get it all free. It's sad to have to think this way but dental care and pricing on the NHS has forced many people on low incomes to do so.

Something I have wondered is what happens if you urgently need dental care and genuinely have no money to pay. Are you just left in agony or with infection.
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