Did a Sunday lurk in Tesco for the first time in a couple of months - and my first big grocery shop / YS lurk in about 3 weeks. Reasonably successful despite the presence of Big Hair, the Wednesday Ladies, plus the usual Sunday bods and a bunch of opportunists.
Got pork chops, turkey breast fillet, sausages, prawns, ham, sausage rolls, cooked chicken off the deli counter, hummus, a kilo of sicilian olives, two trays of party canapes, stilton, parmesan, milk, spinach, cabbage, carrots, grapes, pineapple, melon, avocadoes, nashi pears, chestnuts, bread, buns, 8 custard tarts, 8 bakewell tarts and some chocolate profiterole things.
Most (though not all) was marked down by 80% or more. Could've done with a bit more fruit & veg though as I'd run the fridge right down. Have enough for a few days, so will mosey on down either to Tesco or to the Co-op later in the week to see what's to be had. If not, there's always the market.
As usual, shared my pickings with my lovely neighbour. He was well chuffed with the chops, sausage rolls, ham and half of the cakes. The turkey is for the girls - hope they'll like it.