Co-op was brilliant today, Tesco rather less so. But the fridge is now reasonably well stocked, which is a good thing as I hadn't done a proper grocery shop for over a fortnight.
The sausages in the Co-op were all gone (luck of the draw), but I did manage to get two litres of the Jersey milk, a large Dickinsons & Morris pork pie, king prawns, smoked salmon, yoghurt, duck legs, a tub of prawn cocktail, a stuffed crust bbq chicken pizza, mangoes, a tub of fresh custard, a new york cheesecake and several boxes of Felix AGAIL cat food marked down to £1.88 because the boxes were dented.
Tesco yielded a pineapple, half a dozen avocadoes, a sweetheart cabbage, beetroot, carrots, mushrooms, baking potatoes, a rye bread, four pastries from the bakery and some pork trimmings off the meat counter for the girls.
I would've had a nice bunch of flowers in Tesco as well, but they got yanked out of my hands. Alas, the yank-ee is a good foot taller than me and nearly twice my weight...

Kinda miffed, as it was the only cat safe bunch - all the others had lillies in them.