Today's Yellow Sticker Bargains

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Had some good YS buys on Christmas Eve and this afternoon. The best of which were:

Nine packs of free range chicken breasts @ 66p a pack
Seven packs of locally-produced dry-cured bacon @ 36p a pack
Three "Finest" gammons @ £1.38 each
A kilo wheel of Stilton cheese @ £6

Plus assorted other goods, also on decent reductions, which included a free range turkey, a shoulder of lamb, pigs in blankets, sausage rolls, samosas, a selection of cheeses and an array of cakes, pastries and breads.

All in all, some pretty decent yellow stickering done over the hols. Not the avalanche of stuff to be had that you sometimes see - post Xmas clearance has been largely pants - but if you weren't fussy, you could fill the freezer.
Had some good YS buys on Christmas Eve and this afternoon. The best of which were:

Nine packs of free range chicken breasts @ 66p a pack
Seven packs of locally-produced dry-cured bacon @ 36p a pack
Three "Finest" gammons @ £1.38 each
A kilo wheel of Stilton cheese @ £6

Plus assorted other goods, also on decent reductions, which included a free range turkey, a shoulder of lamb, pigs in blankets, sausage rolls, samosas, a selection of cheeses and an array of cakes, pastries and breads.

All in all, some pretty decent yellow stickering done over the hols. Not the avalanche of stuff to be had that you sometimes see - post Xmas clearance has been largely pants - but if you weren't fussy, you could fill the freezer.

A kilo of Stilton for six squids, what a bargain!


Read that the days of yellow stickers are numbered with prices automatically being reduced the nearer the date on the product. That would seem to imply the unique bar code for the product expanding to incorporate the date.


Read that the days of yellow stickers are numbered with prices automatically being reduced the nearer the date on the product. That would seem to imply the unique bar code for the product expanding to incorporate the date.

I've read several articles on that too, but when you delve into the minutiae, it's clear that such a system relies on shops having shelves with electronic displays for prices.

To a certain extent it's clickbait, because it would mean shops / supermarkets having to be fitted with new shelving units incorporating the necessary electricals, and then if you realise how much the stock gets moved around when displays change with seasonality and promotions. Like yesterday in Tesco, when all the festive / party stuff was being cleared away and different ranges being put out.

It would mean major infrastructure investments, whereas it's probably just better having the computer system and a couple of bods with a pricing gun.

And it doesn't take into account that people *will* furkle on the shelves and take the stuff with the longest date on the packaging.


Shopping Wednesday in our local Co op, saw a stack of sliced breaded ham, normal price iro £2.50, reduced to 85p
No brainer, it freezes perfectly, defrosts quickly, great just to have a bit on hand, brought 3 packs. Had to contain myself, at that price, you could just buy loads and freeze it.


I've read several articles on that too, but when you delve into the minutiae, it's clear that such a system relies on shops having shelves with electronic displays for prices.

To a certain extent it's clickbait, because it would mean shops / supermarkets having to be fitted with new shelving units incorporating the necessary electricals, and then if you realise how much the stock gets moved around when displays change with seasonality and promotions. Like yesterday in Tesco, when all the festive / party stuff was being cleared away and different ranges being put out.

It would mean major infrastructure investments, whereas it's probably just better having the computer system and a couple of bods with a pricing gun.

And it doesn't take into account that people *will* furkle on the shelves and take the stuff with the longest date on the packaging.

I do that all the time. Lots of stores now use date coding that's not obvious. Lets say it says 6 F , that's the 6th day of June. Tesco and I think Sainsburys use the Julian date code so it gets even harder, but I still search the shelves for the 'last in'

I assume they use this method so it leaves some shoppers without the info they need to choose easily..with the advantage its harder to tell them....hey, this stuff is out of date.
Or am I being cynical ?


Shopping Wednesday in our local Co op, saw a stack of sliced breaded ham, normal price iro £2.50, reduced to 85p
No brainer, it freezes perfectly, defrosts quickly, great just to have a bit on hand, brought 3 packs. Had to contain myself, at that price, you could just buy loads and freeze it.

Ah yes... The perennial dilemma of the yellow stickerer - achieving that fine balance between making the best of a really good deal and getting shot when you arrive home... :whistle:

I currently have a fridge full of Cornish milk, stilton and salamis.


I do that all the time. Lots of stores now use date coding that's not obvious. Lets say it says 6 F , that's the 6th day of June. Tesco and I think Sainsburys use the Julian date code so it gets even harder, but I still search the shelves for the 'last in'

I assume they use this method so it leaves some shoppers without the info they need to choose easily..with the advantage its harder to tell them....hey, this stuff is out of date.
Or am I being cynical ?

The only time I'll furkle for the longest date is when buying milk at full price as I typically only go shopping once a fortnight.

Though I'll happily buy reduced price milk, and if it show signs of developing language skills, it gets turned into cottage cheese. And I've always got two litres of UHT sitting in the cupboard just in case.


Shopping Wednesday in our local Co op, saw a stack of sliced breaded ham, normal price iro £2.50, reduced to 85p
No brainer, it freezes perfectly, defrosts quickly, great just to have a bit on hand, brought 3 packs. Had to contain myself, at that price, you could just buy loads and freeze it.

Coop had strawberries in at 80p each lovely!

Also Warburton's toastie bread at 75p.

Mushrooms at 50p

Just needed bacon!

Only went in for milk!!


Co op yesterday, fresh Lasagne meal reduced from £4.75 to £1.70. Literally just ate it, we both agreed it was really nice. I mean, 85p each for a meal, bang on.

Picked up two bottles of their special smooth orange juice, were £3.25 each, reduced to 70p.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
I'm not sure if it falls under the umbrella of Yellow Sticker, but Community Fibre are currently offering 500Mb/s full fibre broadband with free calls to UK landlines and mobiles for £30 pcm.


3 packs of 2x steak medallions at £2.40 ea, almost half price. £1.20 per portion, you can scarcely buy a sausage roll for that. They will freezer for a nice meal later.
Also a pack of stewing beef, also as good as half price, ditto the storage.

Ironically, the steak at that price, you could dice up for stew...probably better value and quality meat.
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