To those who want to buy a cheap bike

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PatrickPending said:
hang on I just saw the tv ad for the 70 quid asda bike and it looked like the forks were the wrong way round on the gents bike. At least they're the right way round on the website :evil:

It was the same last night:laugh:


Senior Member
I was lucky. I bought a £45 bike from Woolworths 2-3 years ago, and it lasted a year until the back wheel buckled and developed a few other faults, all at the same time!:evil:. A year might not seem like much, but it had saved me on average around £16 a week in bus fares, so more than paid for itself.

However, my sister bought the slightly more expensive suspension bike from Woolies, and it has always been virtually unridable! If you do try to ride it, you end up knackered on the shortest journey.


New Member
There is an ASDA at Minworth, East of Brum.
A few miles further out from there is Kingsbury Water Park, where there is a cycle track circling the perimeter and interconnecting the lakes. ( No, its not what you think, the cycle track is on dry land ).

My ex wife and my sons go there with her sister-in-law and her two sons. My ex has a cheap bike I bought her from Hawk.

My sons tell me the way round the cycle track is 'full up'?? with ladies on cheap MTBs.
Being a group of lakes next to a river, there are no hills. The ladies on their cheap ASDA??? MTBs have an enjoyable time.

This is, it might surprise you to realise, is what these bikes are aimed at, -Sunday casual budget cyclists on designated cycle routes away from motor traffic.

Is it such a crime to ride a 'cheapo' budget bike once a fortnight if you are at least enjoying yourself?


jimboalee said:
Is it such a crime to ride a 'cheapo' budget bike once a fortnight if you are at least enjoying yourself?
I don't think anyone's suggesting that it is. I think the main beef people have with these BSOs is twofold: they're such poor quality they can be actively unsafe, and they can put people off cycling who might otherwise enjoy it. If people *are* enjoying riding them, great. I don't think anyone here would have any problem with that.


New Member
Isle of Wight
21.5kg's isn't heavy look - 21" lightweight alloy gents trekking frame it says :wacko: These bikes are so bad they're worse than my Halfrauds Apollo ;)


I despair of people who would gladly spend an arm and a leg on a car but want to pay nothing or next to nothing for a bike. There should be minimum quality standards of manufacture for road going bikes surely. All this health and safety legislation, yet in certain areas (basically anything China exports) it doesn't apply. Or are there minimum standards and those standards are crapola?


My own MTB which I have had since I was about 15 falls into the BSO category. Is it heavy? Very much so. It also has a good range of gears so I can still ride it up steep hills. Is it unsafe? I don't see why. Is it slow? Yes, but if you want to go fast, why ride an MTB? I've covered a good few thousand miles on this bike (although I gave it a ten year rest!!!) and it has needed little in the way of replacement parts, just brake pads and other general maintenance parts. I much prefer riding my Carlton these days but I still have enjoyed riding my BSO MTB and will hold on to it for a while yet. It may not be the choice to ride a century on but it is serviceable and perfectly up to most people's needs.


Über Member
ChrisKH said:
I despair of people who would gladly spend an arm and a leg on a car but want to pay nothing or next to nothing for a bike.

None of my friends cycle and they were horrified when I spent £280 on my first bike. So you can imagine their disbelief when I then spent £300 on a Specialized Sirrus on sale a year later.

I've managed to talk them all round though. I don't own a car, I was spending £80 a month on my travelcard for work, it's far cheaper than an annual gym membership and when I'm doing 20 miles a day on the road I want to feel safe. A bike is a complex machine and it costs money for a good machine.
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