To the Cyclechat Grumps: What brings you actual joy?

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Obviously an Aubergine
Gloucester winning a game of rugby. Alas, doesn't happen often.

Fishing. Alas doesn't happen often.

Cycling. Alas...

Reading a good book - alas, I'm on a run of godawful books at the moment.

Playing the guitar. Listening to music. Does happen very often :-)

Watching young Bertie grow up.


The list could get very long. But despite all these joyful things I remain a grumpy old git.

I've known so many folks, make a cheap hobby, out of being deliberately curmudgeonly*.

That's all well and good if they keep it to themselves. :rolleyes:

It's when they intentionally spread it all around, like a massive wet blanket, over other ppls little moments of joy, that I object.

* I'm not talking about depression, which is an unasked for illness.


Obviously an Aubergine
Spending time with our guinea pigs, watching them run around chatting to each other.

Oh the gweeping of mini piggles..
That's pretty cute too..
The kids ones went ultra free range, and then ran off to the woods never to be seen again.

Probs living happily with their badger friends as I type.. :okay:


Joygivers for me....(and i mean a real sense of being happy to be alive)

Kids, my grandchildren particually. I will spend hours in the garden or paddling pool playing sharky with them.
Those first days of spring when you feel the sun on your back, i always feel truly happy to be alive in those moments.
Just being outdoors in good weather, wildlife, plantlife, everything.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I have a good laugh at the spelling often to be found where the wrong word is used. This morning I found a query by somebody asking if the muscle farm is open today as they wanted some for Hogmanay. The grumps and politically correct will now get joy in shooting me down.
A well-crafted story that takes you on a journey
A song where the creators clearly put their soul into it
Long sweeping descents by bike with good sightlines
The Isle of Arran
Visiting places I've never been before
Long warm days in the saddle (before I lost my fitness and health and such things were distant memories)
Those times when Drago forgets to take his dried frog pills and thinks he's turned into Jesse "The Body" Ventura
Cycling around the Monaco F1 circuit (bit niche but I rather enjoyed it)
Writing code and having it work
Explaining a concept to someone and seeing the light come on above their head
When people I know and like achieve something that earns them recognition and respect
Singing loudly to myself when cycling in the dark at 3am
Punching fascists
Receiving a parcel that I know contains good stuff and taking a blade to the packing tape, the feeling can be transient when you discover that the ebay seller omitted to mention the crack in the drive side crank arm.
Hearing the first cuckoo of spring, though that must be tempered with wanting to order a cuckoo gun after several days of springs herald and his two note song.
The Isle of Arran
I was with you until that. A beautiful place but I won't be returning without a flamethrower and maybe a few litres of DEET. We camped up a hill somewhere, (doesn't narrow it down much on Arran^_^) I'll dig out my photos and see if I can find where, anyway we got chewed mercilessly by all the flies in satans armoury. Wanting relief from the torment so we could prepare dinner we wandered down to the beach. No midges there but plenty of horse flies, frying pan to fire, it was hell.

All uphill

Still rolling along
Great question, Nickyboy.

For me it's waking up to another day, and remembering how amazingly privileged I am to be here, mostly healthy, more or less solvent and loved.

I've experienced enough of the bad things to know freedom from fear and pain makes me very lucky today.

Don't even need the sun to be shining.

Getting out on two wheels helps too!
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