Obviously an Aubergine
Gloucester winning a game of rugby. Alas, doesn't happen often.
Fishing. Alas doesn't happen often.
Cycling. Alas...
Reading a good book - alas, I'm on a run of godawful books at the moment.
Playing the guitar. Listening to music. Does happen very often :-)
Watching young Bertie grow up.
The list could get very long. But despite all these joyful things I remain a grumpy old git.
I've known so many folks, make a cheap hobby, out of being deliberately curmudgeonly*.
That's all well and good if they keep it to themselves.

It's when they intentionally spread it all around, like a massive wet blanket, over other ppls little moments of joy, that I object.
* I'm not talking about depression, which is an unasked for illness.