Need to get away from the idea that fat/calories make you fat. At the very least it's much more complicated than that.
Cut down on refined carbs, try oats and wholemeal flour based stuff instead if normal white bread/rice/potatoes. Venue swapping to basmati rice should be better, or use sweet potato.
Don't worry about red meat, eggs etc... Watch out for sugars in stuff like juice from concentrate.
Low gi stuff works for me, for snacks I make flapjack, oatmeal biscuits and get bags of mixed unsalted buts and raisins (rather than the pricey single nut type packs).
As someone said avoid 'diet' or 'low fat' stuff unless you've checked for other undesirables, often they replace the fat content with sugar and ends up being worse for you than the non-diet version.
Biggest thing is if you can't cook, learn

then you know what's going in your food! Eating healthy can be pretty easy without ever touching a salad, though depends if there are particular foods you don't like. Generally don't need to cut anything out, just don't gorge yourself on certain things.