tips on diet

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Need to get away from the idea that fat/calories make you fat. At the very least it's much more complicated than that.
Cut down on refined carbs, try oats and wholemeal flour based stuff instead if normal white bread/rice/potatoes. Venue swapping to basmati rice should be better, or use sweet potato.
Don't worry about red meat, eggs etc... Watch out for sugars in stuff like juice from concentrate.

Low gi stuff works for me, for snacks I make flapjack, oatmeal biscuits and get bags of mixed unsalted buts and raisins (rather than the pricey single nut type packs).
As someone said avoid 'diet' or 'low fat' stuff unless you've checked for other undesirables, often they replace the fat content with sugar and ends up being worse for you than the non-diet version.

Biggest thing is if you can't cook, learn :smile: then you know what's going in your food! Eating healthy can be pretty easy without ever touching a salad, though depends if there are particular foods you don't like. Generally don't need to cut anything out, just don't gorge yourself on certain things.


Make it something you enjoy, then the discipline is fairly irrelevant because you're doing it for other reasons.
As far as diet goes, that means not succumbing to the idea that the only way to eat healthy is to eat salads and tasteless/expensive 'diet' food. Cut out some of the refined carbs, consider what you're snacking on as well as your meals, but otherwise find some tasty meals that you enjoy making/eating and just so happen to be healthy at the same time (and try and avoid eating multiple portions in one go, which can be a problem when you have something yummy :smile:)


Rural Quebec
Any tips for those needing to build the discipline?

Discipline is the means to achieve a goal - if the goal is clear and doable and a person has the motivation - the discipline is the nuts and bolts.
I want to be able to ride faster and for longer I want to ride in the sporting event being planned for next summer, let's say. I realise that my weight is a hindrance to this ambition but I enjoy eating as much as cycling so what do I do. Now this is a dilemma as it is clear to any outsider that these two activities will cancel one another out. It is also clear that in general health terms it is the eating that needs to change and that is all well and good but how to convince someone to change their diet so that they can continue eating? Is this even workable because I am sure that a person could get fat on lettuce and tomato if they ate enough of it.
So to cut to the chase how do we find the OP's clear and doable goal, how do we motivate him and where does he find the discipline? In short WE don't - HE does.
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