Tiny Ride Today
(Illicit Ride No 2)
Reverse direction to the last ride. Out through the back gate, right on to the road, then settled down to a steady pace. I noticed that the Garmin, being at the bottom of my glasses eye line wasn’t sharply in focus. That’s varifocals for you. No worse than the Linear, where you need to lean forward to read it. Rolling up a gentle hill, past a school, then looking for the entrance to a path to the right. It was behind a row of parked cars, so I turned into a low pavement to reach the path. I was caught out here, expecting the front wheel to to be in the usual place for a LWB bike, ie, at the front, not under my knees, so with a combination of the angle not being obtuse enough and a relatively skinny tyre, the front wheel tried to follow the line of the kerb. The seat was low enough that I got a foot down immediately and stopped without incident.
Once on the pavement I turned on to the path and within a few yards found the front wheel following a faint groove in the tarmac where there had been some repairs. I corrected the wobble then I stopped and checked that the tyres were fully inflated, which they were. I was beginning to doubt the effectiveness of these Schwalbe Kojak slicks for my sort of mild off road use, despite the last ride being uneventful. I noticed that this was a sheltered part of the path with some green moss underwheel, but it wouldn’t have caused issues with my usual lightly treaded wider tyres.
I pressed on gingerly following the slight downhill of the path until I reached a road. I crossed over then continued along the path. There were high fences and shrubs either side. As I was slowly negotiating an overgrown part my left heel fleetingly contacted something. It didn’t register at first then I realised it must have been my heel touching the mudguard. I slowed right down and tried the same movement again. I was only able to make it brush lightly this time but it did happen. No big deal, but I will have to watch out for that in future.
I took a few riders’ eye view pictures as I went along. There were a few dog walkers about.
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I came to another road and went across to where the path continued on the other side. Here it was like a tunnel between wooden garden fences.
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I turned right where another path crossed and eventually came to a point where it met another road. There’s a distinct lack of dropped kerbs hereabouts. I could have bumped down to the road but turned right to a nearby road junction. Here I got on to the road, turned left then right on to the original road and trundled slowly uphill. As I got near my back gate I crossed over to a dropped kerb and got on to the pavement outside my back gate. I didn’t feel as good as I did last time when I got back. Some seat adjustment still needed, and got to think about those tyres. It might be that they’re just old, and might benefit from some general use to just roughen up the surface.
Distance 1.16 miles. Max Speed 8.2 mph. Average 4.8 mph. According to Garmin.
Ascent 38 ft. According to Bikehike.