Tiny ride today
A short trip into town to make a pick up on the Spirit. Casually dressed as usual, grey cap, track mitts, thin gilet for the sake of the pockets.
Out of my back gate heading to Swanlow Lane, left then right at the uphill lights. Downhill then left again towards the town centre. This was all very pleasant, though the traffic was always there. I turned right at the town centre lights then across to a supermarket car park where I got off and pushed as the pavement was crowded. It’s noticeably easier to push than the Linear in a crowded place.
As I was locking the bike up outside a shop an old feller (Old feller! He was probably younger than me) stopped to admire the bike. He asked if it was electric, and I replied that it was pedal power only. He commented that he liked how the pedals were positioned. I was a bit preoccupied with getting the chain to reach that last centimetre so I wasn’t as fulsome as I might have been. I gave him some information, however. I’m constantly surprised at the interest shown by the most unlikely people when I turn up on a recumbent. Perhaps this one looks more friendly and bike-relatable compared with the more industrial looking Linear. So far it’s a case of making people smile, whether I intend to or not.
I went in to make my collection before unchaining the mini beast and making good my escape before I could be accosted again. Out through the car park, left at the exit roundabout then right at the next into Dingle lane. Over the humps, nicely soaked up by the still novel suspension, then across the kerb and en route to Gladstone St. While I was slowly twiddling up an estate road a rider on a bare, thin tyred bike overtook me. Well, I’m used to this sort of thing but once I turned on to Gladstone St. and then Townfields Road there he was again, not far ahead. Probably not the first rider ever to speed past a rider in front then slow down once out of sight.
A showery day, with occasional clouds gathering but the rain held off. After turning left and downhill to gather speed for my uphill turn off, I dawdled through the lanes to my back gate.
2.83 miles. (I’m beginning to have my doubts about its accuracy on shorter trips -seemed further). Max 19.2. Average 6.7 mph. According to Garmin.
Total Ascent 108ft. According to Bikehike.