Tiny acts of anarchy

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shiftin swiftly along, when I fill out a form which has " * delete as applicable" on it, I do this...

" *delete as applicable"


New Member
my house
User3094 said:
When people insist on sticking dead on the speed limit, I enjoy putting my head lights on full beam and sitting on their bumpers. :evil::tongue:

At which point I realise someone's about to run out in front of practically worthless 11 year old car and hit the breaks.


New Member
sheddy said:
I sometimes make a point of going into Tescos. Just to use the bog.

Thats quite appropriate as the place is a sh1thole, But I hate the place so much I don't think I'd even want to leave my log there.


Über Member
jack the lad said:
In coffee bars and fast food places I always ask for 'small', 'medium' or 'large' instead of 'regular(tm)', 'super(tm)', 'tall(tm)' or whatever other nonsense descriptor from the book of retail b*llocks they've stuck on the price list.

My grandad took this one step further. They asked if he wanted small or large. so he turned round and said regular. :smile:
BEst was when i was buying something and the cash women said I didnt look 18, my grandad piped up with i am, but Ill show you and ID if you dont believe me!


How much does it cost to Oldham?
Kovu said:
My grandad took this one step further. They asked if he wanted small or large. so he turned round and said regular. :smile:
BEst was when i was buying something and the cash women said I didnt look 18, my grandad piped up with i am, but Ill show you and ID if you dont believe me!

I always ask for a milky coffee in starbucks.

Night Train

Maker of Things
At starbucks I always ask for a small coffee, in a large mug topped up with hot water for the price of a small coffee. When they question it I just tell them that their coffee is too strong for me and so needs watering down a bit. They usually do it.


Vice Admiral
[quote name='swee'pea99']Who was it said that the best way to keep the seat next to you free on the train is to smile at anyone approaching and pat it 'invitingly'?[/quote]

Try travelling with a very large teddy bear on the train, that takes up a seat to himself. No one will ask you to move it. :smile:


Once got told by a tutor, who was right up himself and used to ar£e lick all the big firm candidates, on a professional crammer course that I had no chance of passing the exam. Passed at the next sitting and posted a copy of my results to him.

I'm trying to see anarchy in there somewhere.


I did today, after reading it here, post one credit card company junk mailing back to another company, and have the other pre paid envelope say here waiting for whatever garbage I see fit to put inside!

Up zee revolution! ;)


New Member
brontesorearse said:
Over the past 2 years i've had 3 speeding tickets and 1 reminder !:evil:

All have gone straight in the bin ! :evil:

Laugh now badboy, cos you won't be laughing when you get stopped and the officer checks you, and your outstanding fines are disclosed, ha ha ha ha !


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
PapaZita said:
Those black socks with coloured bits on the toes. Matching them up seems like too much effort, so I wear odd colours. Also because it really annoys Mrs. Z.


Mrs Cube got me some socks with the days of the week on them. I get dressed in the dark most mornings and have a little thrill when I get to work change out of my cycling shoes in the shower room, never quite sure whether I'm wearing Tuesday's socks on a Friday.........
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