Time to come clean

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Thats just it - why would it infuriate a motorist to see some soppy cyclists pinching a couple of seconds by rljing on his commute home. It woudnt. Hes unnaffected. He dosnt care. He does care if hes stuck behind a slow moving obstacle however.
Would it "unfortunately makes them believe that cyclists are just a bunch of lawless pricks who don't need to be taken seriously or treated with respect." I dont know , it woudnt make me think that but i appreciate there are other people who are just inclined to judge other people more negatively.

You're thinking of the wrong motorist. The one behind watching the cyclist jump doesn't get annoyed.

The one coming the other way on green that suddenly has to give way to the RLJer or risk killing him is the one that gets pissed off.


New Member
Because people respect those who display a skilled and responsible attitude to their driving or riding, and are

Ride like a prick, get treated like a prick.

You sound like a car driver justifying side swiping a cyclist that has annoyed him. Remember this the next time you get sideswiped by someone who decides your a prick for being om the road.


Well-Known Member
You're thinking of the wrong motorist. The one behind watching the cyclist jump doesn't get annoyed.

The one coming the other way on green that suddenly has to give way to the RLJer or risk killing him is the one that gets pissed off.

Gotcha - well that would annoy anyone. But self preservation would suggest that happens infrequently and the same thing happens all the time at not regulated road junctions by all kinds of traffic so the idea that car drivers fixate on this idea of the rljing cyclist dosnt add up.
I suggest in the bigger picture motorists dont think about cyclists for a nanosecond - and those who do generally think in a good way like "oh theres a cyclist id better give him/her plenty of room" and biggest gripe being stuck behind a cyclist who dosnt let traffic past (validity dependant on circumstances).


Ah, All Rubbish.

Cycling and cyclists on the UK highways. Will from time to time, make mistakes; and sometimes caused by overbaring motor vehicles. There's no armour platting surrounding a cyclist! All motorists should take far more care when they share the road with a cyclist or cyclists; and some of those cyclists are children or teenagers! Too many cyclists killed or injured on our roads! We could do with some public information and awareness broadcasts to educate all motorists to the dangers a cyclist faces on our highways.

Too many mindless NUMPTIES on our roads.

Oh, What upsets a motorist the most? is when a cyclist falls off the bike in front of them; and causes them to stop! What a dreadful thing to do to a driver of a motorised vehicle; and he/she was in a hurry.


We are in their territory. Lions hate hyenas and motorists (the stupid mammalian types) hate cyclists. The road is their domain. We irritate them just by being there. When they see us in the distance they say a low f**k under their breath. when we get in front of them.....woooooow...... we are just asking for trouble and they will make sure we get it. We prevent them from relaxing. It's a bit like being in the outback being bothered to distraction by swarms of pesky flies. If they right hook, left hook, punishment pass, mock brake us they will eventually teach us to all f**k off and leave them alone.:wacko:

Writing as a keen cyclist, keen motorist and a one-time keen motorcyclist, I find this opinion bizarre.

I drive and cycle regularly on UK roads (London and the sticks) and it simply isn't like that.

Most drivers are courteous, skilled and observant.

Many cyclists are too, probably most.


Ah, All Rubbish.

Cycling and cyclists on the UK highways. Will from time to time, make mistakes; and sometimes caused by overbaring motor vehicles. There's no armour platting surrounding a cyclist! All motorists should take far more care when they share the road with a cyclist or cyclists; and some of those cyclists are children or teenagers! Too many cyclists killed or injured on our roads! We could do with some public information and awareness broadcasts to educate all motorists to the dangers a cyclist faces on our highways.

Too many mindless NUMPTIES on our roads.

Oh, What upsets a motorist the most? is when a cyclist falls off the bike in front of them; and causes them to stop! What a dreadful thing to do to a driver of a motorised vehicle; and he/she was in a hurry.

I am a keen a regular cyclist. I ride with all of my children (12, 15, 18) and have done since they were tiny. I am aware that many cyclists are children or teens.... but I think the standard of driving in the UK is pretty high. This thread is about accepting which cyclists' habits frustrate motorists.

I'm also a keen driver.

I'm not sure where your assumption about what most upsets a motorist comes from. It is wide of the mark with every driver I know.

I think it may be intended as a very dark joke, but it seems a little too angry to be funny.

Motorists simply do not think about cyclists in the way that some authors on this thread seem to think they do.

We are all road users and should just rub along together, although that may not be the best phrase in the circumstances.


I am a keen a regular cyclist. I ride with all of my children (12, 15, 18) and have done since they were tiny. I am aware that many cyclists are children or teens.... but I think the standard of driving in the UK is pretty high. This thread is about accepting which cyclists' habits frustrate motorists.

I'm also a keen driver.

I'm not sure where your assumption about what most upsets a motorist comes from. It is wide of the mark with every driver I know.

I think it may be intended as a very dark joke, but it seems a little too angry to be funny.

Motorists simply do not think about cyclists in the way that some authors on this thread seem to think they do.

We are all road users and should just rub along together, although that may not be the best phrase in the circumstances.


Yes a little satire in my post! BUT, I have been knocked off my bike 3, times, once by a bus (that took two of us cyclists from one side of the road to the other) a car driver trying to squeeze through a gap. and another that hit me and sent me up the road at a fair pace. So, I speak from experience on the roads. I do agree that the majority of road users are curtious (including us cyclists) to other road users, But, there is that minority that just don't care for anyone but themselves; and blieve they own the roads! A few years back? 1993, I think? I wrote a poem about cycling and the motorists, It was published by the RSA . I'll start a new thread called road safety poems! maybe others will ad a poem or two?
Anyhow, I think we should all rub along together; but there again, what other option do we have.


Well-Known Member
Went out in car for 1st time in a long while today and the undisputably biggest irritation were the other cars dithering about like they expect a written invitation to pull out at junctions.
Saw one cyclist rlj and did not find it in any way annoying , rather i felt a great sense of comraderaderie for my fellow cyclist.

danger mouse

Active Member
Not just motorists.
today it was pedestrians having a go at me not using my bell enough or having the temerity to use a shared path.

Told off three times for it plus dog attack.

First one was about to pass a couple of women walkers, said "excuse me" only to be told 'use your bell man'

Then later as I passed on old chap walking his dog (without a lead) he actually shouted at me to "get a bell and use it"

Later on after passing a man with a young Labrador that started chasing me, I tried speeding up to get away, he shouted at me to "stop then so I can out it on the lead" Silly me , should have stopped and got bitten!

The the last straw was as I was about to pass another dog walker, asking to "excuse me" she turned, tutted and then let the dog lose on its expandable lead. The dog jumped at me, I turned away and skidded, nearly falling off.

Not sure if its me or the weather turning nasty.

Same route, I have been tutted for using the bell.

Just cant win.

Night Train

Maker of Things
Driving north over Barton Bridge today there was a chap on a bike on the opposite pavement going the same direction as me. Ahead was an approaching bus.
As the bus passes me the cyclist decides it is time to get back on the road and crosses behind the bus and straight into my path without looking.

As I was expecting the numpty to do something stupid I was already covering the brake and the horn and so gave him a quick blast of decibels as I hit the brakes.

Did it phase him? Not a jot. He carried on without so much as a care in the world not realising that my awareness saved him from injury or worse.

It takes all sorts I guess.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE 1585918"]
I'm ever so curious as to how the prejudice towards WVM, taxi drivers, BMW drivers and such came about.

Is it because this are known for not having any respect (or perceived) as not having any respect for other road users?

So how is a RLJing cyclist any different from the above? How are they forgotten in a ''nano second''?

If your dragging out all the moronic stereotypes you forgot the fat mentally retarded hgv driver going about killing all the hookers.
Obviously stereotypes are just that and should be treated with great deal caution.
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