Not just motorists.
today it was pedestrians having a go at me not using my bell enough or having the temerity to use a shared path.
Told off three times for it plus dog attack.
First one was about to pass a couple of women walkers, said "excuse me" only to be told 'use your bell man'
Then later as I passed on old chap walking his dog (without a lead) he actually shouted at me to "get a bell and use it"
Later on after passing a man with a young Labrador that started chasing me, I tried speeding up to get away, he shouted at me to "stop then so I can out it on the lead" Silly me , should have stopped and got bitten!
The the last straw was as I was about to pass another dog walker, asking to "excuse me" she turned, tutted and then let the dog lose on its expandable lead. The dog jumped at me, I turned away and skidded, nearly falling off.
Not sure if its me or the weather turning nasty.
Same route, I have been tutted for using the bell.
Just cant win.