My lad is now 13 weeks old.....
At 4 weeks he stopped looking like Mr Magoo
At 5 weeks his night feeds went from every 2 hours to every 4 hours (HALLELUJAH!
At 6 weeks i stopped creeping into the nursery to check if he was still alive when he missed a feed
At 7 weeks he gave his first ever so slight smile
At 8 weeks he preferred sitting up on my knee rather than laying down
At 9 weeks he developed a total fascination at tree and leaf overhead shouettes on our walks
At 9.5 weeks his night feeds extended to 7 hours
At 10 weeks he gave his first giggle when i blew a rasper on his belly
At 11 weeks we did our longest baby-in-the-harness walk, 9.5mls teesdale
At 12 weeks he started taking baby rice and farleys rusk to suppliment his milk
At 13 weeks his nappies exponentially leaped in volume and odour
He has been on 12 > 6ml baby-harness hikes, been pram pushed approx 250 mls, been into 9 different pubs, 6 different restuaraunts and is currently being measured up for cycle seat
Who says kids ruin your lives?