This morning's mushrooms

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i saw these the other day

and this



laurence said:
i saw these the other day

Oudemansiella mucida - edible according to Rogers Mushrooms but I wouldn't try them myself. Related to the gardener's scourge Armillaria (Honey fungus) which is edible but poor flavour and often causes allergic upsets.

laurence said:
Macrolepiota rhacodes - the Shaggy Parasol. This one is eminently edible and excellent flavour, and I have often eaten them - but again - allergenic to some people.

Please be sure of the ID before you eat anything! Don't rely on my - or any other forummer's - identification of your photos!

Aint Skeered

New Member
laurence said:
another close up


Fantastic pictures Laurence, I've used this one as a background on my PC, looks great.


Smutmaster General
I'm familiar with button mushrooms (cold at the mo', innit! :rolleyes:) and garlic mushrooms (:rolleyes:) but can anyone ID these for me? I've had a go with a book, but not too are cr@p, taken on mobile, I'm afraid, all taken about this time last year, over space of a few weeks. (Apols to admin if this post is ricky-dicky-diculously large...)

1) Giant funnel??

2) 3) 4) 5) No idea...


Hmm... not easy. (1) is a bit indistinct, could be a rather overblown Russula or Lactarius. (2) looks like our Oudemansiella again, (3) could be any one of a number of different kinds, (4) is an overblown Ink Cap again, (5) might be an Amanita, avoid! (6) and (7) look like the same type, Flammulina perhaps, (8) I can't make out - Collybia perhaps? or Armillaria?...

You need someone with better expertise than me.

Anyway none of these likely to be edible, and the Amanita could be definitely poisonous...
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