I was trying to support the OP!
I think the whole planet is in a right state, and I do get very concerned for the legacy we are leaving for our children and grandchildren.
It seems to me that there are so many small things that so many of us can do; in concert would make an impact.
- Turn lights off in rooms (at work and at home) when the room is empty;
- Only boil enough water to make a pot of tea, rather than fill the kettle up;
- Firmly decline the offer of a plastic carrier bag at Sainsbury's;
- Turn the central heating down a click, and cuddle up (or, if desperate, use a hot-water bottle!)
- If your journey is under 2 miles, walk or cycle.
- If your journey is over 2 miles, cycle

- Don't run water down the drain needlessly when washing or washing up;
- Don't flush the lavatory unless you must.
- Recycle stuff like mad. Only chuck stuff away if you really must.
But it's all been said before. I recon that about 80-90% of my colleagues and relatives have no environmental concern at all.