This is what happens when a motorcyclist rides well beyond his limits!

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I must admit, of all road users bikers are probably the ones I like least and who scare me the most. If you live anywhere near country roads then that kind of stuff (fatality aside) is pretty common. Too many idiot weekend warriors playing with their overpowered toys...:hyper:


Following the next page.Rider of bike a cripple now and going to jail.Innocent rider died .According to the note.What more can you say.


I thought he was riding fast, but within his abilities until he was overtaken and then he pushed his bike beyond what he could handle to try to keep with the faster rider and became more erratic. Sad-very sad.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
On a positive note........... not a head on/ but cycling incident........ maybe us fitter cyclist folk would fair better in an accident.... ?

OK not a front on..but I do believe my accident would have killed a POB... I hobbled away.... think about it........we need a new thread !


extimus uero philosophus
I started to watch this and then thought "why?" I stopped well before the first 15 seconds. I really dont want to see someone die or be injured. B)

I have read of a lot of motorcyclists getting hurt locally, and there was a recent campaign for safety on the a326 iirc. Personally I have never had ANY grief off any proper motorcyclists. One or two your scooter riders yes, but thankfully nothing as serious and frequent as normal car drivers.


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
Nicensleazy said:
If you think to yourself, how many close shaves have you had with motorcyclists?

None whatsoever and I do cycle in areas where motorcyclists are known to travel at excessive speeds. So far I've resisted the temptation to drag my motorbike out of the garage and MOT it and sample those roads for myself.

I think I'd be a bit more sedate since 'Immortal' is no longer my middle name.

In my more reckless youth, I have had a few close scrapes as a motorcyclist. I count my blessings that I got away with them.


The rider was an idiot. He didn't have the experience or skill to keep up with the bike which passed him, and it cost him his life and serious injury or death to the rider he ran in to. He should have let the bike in front go instead of trying to tail him.

Red Mist negates acquired skills. A public road is not the place to acquire it.
fossyant said:
Bit like Cat and Fiddle - one of my fav climbs - also Britain's most dangerous road.......

It used to be fun 30 years ago with lower traffic volumes and lower powered vehicles. Then they added the white paint. Now it's just a mediocre windy road (motorised) but probably a fun challenge pedalling.

I've stayed away from it for at least 5 years because the finance & media kids started to buy 'bikes to match their leathers but not their skills.


Velo, boulot, dodo
Close shaves with motorcylists: None here.
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