PaulB. from that quote i assume you obviously appreciate the wonderful half man half biscuit. Aside from some classic HMHB moments, i have to say i was a tad disappointed with the new album. although 'CSI : AMBLESIDE' has to be one of the funniest album titles ever. and 'took problem chimp to the ideal home show....well, just singing that very line in the vindictive / celebratory style is funny enough without having to pad it out with any more lyrics.
and back to the subject of the weather... when its pissing down hard and i'm also having a crap day at work and possibly being irritated by the mrs too, i think of the song 'national shite day', relating to the sentiment "i do believe its national shite day"
************JELLY BABIES - try the bassets and the asda ones in a test, i think you'll find the asda ones are better. ALDI ones fall somewhere inbetween ; not as good as the asda ones but hold their own against bassets.
foamy bananas are the king of sweets though ; cant seem to find them anymore, you can just buy 'foamy fruits' now, which is frankly not good enough since you have to put up with flavours like orange lemon and lime - frankly wrong in such a sweet. those pink shrimps are good too.