Think like a driver or think like a cyclist?

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Leg End Member
Response from the AA.
Screenshot 2023-08-18 103949.png


Über Member

That reads as a load of corporate bulwarks, repeated from whatever the ad agency told them prior to taking their no doubt hefty fee. But hey, at least the AA don't condone hitting pedestrians :laugh:.
And as for 'Customer Solutions', what utter, ridiculous non-job poppycock :angry:.

Sorry, I'm just in a bit of a ranty mood this morning :whistle:.


South Wales
On what ground?

I don't think it being confusing is a ground for complaint.

The ASA will take into account the impression created by marketing communications as well as specific claims. It will rule on the basis of the likely effect on consumers, not the marketer's intentions.

That doesn't answer my question.

What impression do you think might be given that would contravene their guidelines?

Note - I do NOT think the ASA would agree that it is likely to give the impression of a pedestrian bing hit by a car.


Growing old disgracefully
South Wales
That doesn't answer my question.

What impression do you think might be given that would contravene their guidelines?

Note - I do NOT think the ASA would agree that it is likely to give the impression of a pedestrian bing hit by a car.

On the grounds of what the OP's first impression (and others including myself) were, which was only rectified with a second glance - something a passing motorist wouldn't get.


South Wales
On the grounds of what the OP's first impression (and others including myself) were, which was only rectified with a second glance - something a passing motorist wouldn't get.

I must admit, even when Colin first posted, my first reaction was "how could he see that?".

I suspect that will also be the reaction of the ASA.

It is a completely useless advert, because it really doesn't convey any reasonable message, but I could never work out how anybody could see it as a pedestrian hit by a car.
OK - read the whole thread
Just gone back and looked at the advert again and I still initially see someone having bene knocked flying by a car

On more detailed looking I can see what they mean it to say - but poster adverts are supposed to be for the initial reaction

so if a significant proportion of people see it "wrongly" then the advert is a failure


EDIT - just asked SWMBO and her initial reaction was the same as mine
so - that is unbiased survey where 100% of people saw it as condoning running down pedestrians!
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Growing old disgracefully
South Wales
I don't think the placement of the words (and letters thereof) helps, as it looks like he's hit them at force.
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Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
I'm sure I've posted this before, but a boy at work spoke about coming up behind a line of stationary traffic at the lights. He was getting angrier and angrier as the lights kept changing but nobody was moving. Eventually he got out to see what was going on and he realised that he had pulled in behind a line of parked cars. He was nicknamed Mr Magoo after that. :laugh:

I would worry about this chap, who would admit to such a thing? ;)
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